Wp 516: Caste and Income Mobility in India: With Special Focus on Kerala and Tamil Nadu
C. Libitha

WP 516

WP 515: ‘The Covid 19 Pandemic and Employment Vulnerability in Kerala, India: Does Migration Status Matter?’

Ritika Jain, Praveena Kodoth, M Parameswaran and Vinoj Abraham

WP 515


WP 514: Sequential Ordering of Deprivations: District-Level Measurements and Cluster Mapping of Level-Sensitive Improvements in India

Vaidik Chakraborty and Udaya S. Mishra





WP 513: The History of Regimes of Childhood in Kerala: A Preliminary Account

J. Devika


WP 512: Outstanding Liabilities of Indian States: Post-Fiscal Responsibility Legislation Period




WP 511: Relative Occupational Aspirations and Youth Unemployment in India
Basit Abdullah, Vinoj Abraham and Ritika Jain
