W.P.311 INDRANI CHAKRABORTY Economic Reforms, Capital Inflows and Macro Economic Impact in India, January 2001 W.P.312 N.VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Electricity Demand Analysis and Forecasting- The Tradition is Questioned, February 2001 W.P.313 VEERAMANI.C India’s Intra- Industry Trade Under Economic Liberalization: Trends and Country Specific Factors, March 2001 W.P.314 U.S.MISRA, MALA RAMANATHAN Delivery Complications and Determinants of Caesarean Section Rates in India- An Analysis of National Family Health Surveys, 1992-93, March 2001 W.P.315 ACHIN CHAKRABORTY The Concept and Measurement of Group Inequality, May 2001 W.P.316 K.P.KANNAN, N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI The Political Economy of Public Utilities: A Study of the Power Sector, June 2001 W.P.317 K.J.JOSEPH, K.N HARILAL India’s IT Export Boom: Challenges Ahead, July 2001 W.P.318 JOHN KURIEN, ANTONYTO PAUL Social Security Nets for Marine Fisheries- The growth and Changing Composition of Social Security Programmes in the Fisheries Sector of Kerala State, September 2001 W.P.319 K.C ZACHARIAH, P.R.GOPINATHAN NAIR, S.IRUDAYA RAJAN Return Emigrants in Kerala: Rehabilitation Problems and Development Potential, October 2001 W.P.320 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI, K.P KANNAN Time and Cost Over-runs of the Power Projects in Kerala, November 2001 W.P.321 VEERAMANI.C Analysing Trade Flows and Industrial Structure of India: The Question of Data Harmonisation, November 2001 W.P.322 K.C.ZACHARIAH The Syrian Christians of Kerala: Demographic and Socioeconomic Transition in the Twentieth Century, November 2001 W.P.323 V.K RAMACHANDRAN, MADHURA SWAMINATHAN, VIKAS RAWAL How Have Hired Workers Fared? A Case Study of Women Workers from an Indian Village, 1977 to 1999, December 2001 W.P.324 K.P. KANNAN, N.VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI The Aetiology of the Inefficiency Syndrome in the Indian Power Sector: Main issues and Conclusions of a Study , March 2002 W.P.325 N.VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Reliability and Rationing Cost in a Power System, March 2002 W.P.326 K.C.ZACHARIAH, B.A. PRAKASH, S.IRUDAYA RAJAN Gulf Migration Study: Employment, Wages and Working Conditions of Kerala Emigrants in the United Arab Emirates, March 2002 W.P.327 K.RAVI RAMAN Bondage in Freedom, Colonial Plantations in Southern India c 1797-1947, March 2002 W.P.328 K.P. KANNAN, K.S.HARI Kerala’s Gulf Connection: Emigration, Remittances and their Macroeconomic Impact 1972-2000, March 2002 W.P.329 J. DEVIKA Imagining Women’s Social Space in Early Modern Keralam, April 2002 W.P.330 ACHIN CHAKRABORTY The Rhetoric of Disagreement in Reform Debates, April 2002 W.P.331 M. SURESH BABU Economic Reforms and Entry barriers in Indian Manufacturing, April 2002 W.P.332 K.P.KANNAN The Welfare Fund Model of Social Security for Informal Sector Workers: The Kerala Experience, April 2002 W.P.333 K.PUSHPANGADAN Social Returns from Drinking Water,Sanitation and Hygiene Education: A Case Study of Two Coastal Villages in Kerala, May 2002 W.P.334 E. ABDUL AZEEZ Economic Reforms and Industrial Performance: An Analysis of Capacity Utilisation in Indian Manufacturing, June 2002 W.P.335 J. DEVIKA Family Planning as ‘Liberation’: The Ambiguities of ‘Emancipation from Biology’ in Keralam, July 2002 W.P.336 PULAPRE BALAKRISHNAN, K PUSHPANGADAN and M. SURESH BABU Trade Liberalisation, Market Power abd Scale Efficiency in Indian Industry, August 2002 W.P.337 K. NAVANEETHAM Age Structural Transition and Economic Growth: Evidence from South and Southeast Asia, August 2002: W.P.338 PRAVEENA KODOTH Framing Custom, Directing Practices: Authority, Property and Matriliny under Colonial Law in Nineteenth Century Malabar, October 2002 W.P.339 M Parameswaram Economic Reforms and Technical Efficiency: Firm Level Evidence from Selected Industries in India, October 2002 W.P.340 J. DEVIKA Domesticating Malayalees: Family Planning, the Nation and Home-Centred Anxieties in Mid- 20th Century Keralam, October 2002 W.P.341 MRIDUL EAPEN AND PRAVEENA KODOTH Family Structure, Women’s Education and Work: Re-examining the High Status of Women in Kerala, November 2002 W.P.342 D. NARAYANA Why is the Credit-Deposit Ratio Low in Kerala?, January 2003 W.P.343 K. PUSHPANGADAN Remittances, Consumption and Economic Growth in Kerala: 1980-2000, March 2003 W.P.344 PRADEEP KUMAR PANDA Rights-based Strategies in the Prevention of Domestic Violence, March 2003 W.P.345 V.K. RAMACHANDRAN, MADHURA SWAMINATHAN, VIKAS RAWAL Barriers to Expansion of Mass Literacy and Primary Schooling in West Bengal: Study Based on Primary Data from Selected Villages, April 2003 W.P.346 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI A Contribution to Peak Load Pricing Theory and Application, April 2003 W.P.347 P.B. RAKHE Estimation of Tax Leakage and its Impact on Fiscal Health in Kerala, July 2003 W.P.348 MRIDUL EAPEN Rural Industrialisation in Kerala: Re-examining the Issue of Rural Growth Linkages, July 2003 W.P.349 JOHN KURIEN The Blessing of the Commons: Small-scale Fisheries, Community Property Rights and Coastal Natural Assets, August 2003 W.P.350 M. KABIR Beyond Philanthrophy: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Public Health Intervention in Thiruvithamkoor, 1929-1939, September 2003 W.P.351 INDRANI CHAKRABORTY Liberalization of Capital Inflows and the Real Exchange Rate in India: A VAR Analysis, September 2003 W.P.352 K. PUSHPANGADAN Drinking Water and Well-being in India: Data Envelopment Analysis, October 2003 W.P.353 K.N. HARILAL and P.L.BEENA The WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin: Implications for South Asia, December 2003 W.P.354 K.P.KANNAN and R. MOHAN India’s Twelfth Finance Commission: A View from Kerala, January 2004 W.P.355 P.L.BEENA Towards Understanding the Merger-Wave in the Indian Corporate Sector: A Comparative Perspective, January 2004 W.P.356 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Liberalisation of Rural Poverty: The Indian Experience, March 2004 W.P.357 K. RAVI RAMAN The Asian Development Bank Loan for Kerala (India): The Adverse Implications and Search for Alternatives, March 2004 W.P.358 MRIDUL EAPEN Women and Work Mobility: Some Disquieting Evidences from the Indian Data, May 2004: W.P.359 PRAVEENA KODOTH Shifting the Ground of Fatherhood: Matriliny, Men and Marriage in Early Twentieth Centuary Malabar, May 2004: W.P.360 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI CES Function, Generalised Mean and Human Poverty Index: Exploring Some Links, July 2004: W.P.361 K.P. KANNAN and N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Development as a Right to Freedom: An Interpretation of the ‘Kerala Model’, August 2004: W.P.362 M. VENKATANARAYANA Educational Deprivation of Children in Andhra Pradesh, Levels and Trends, August 2004: W.P.363 K.C. ZACHARIAH and S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Gulf Revisited: Economic Consequences of Emigration from Kerala, Emigration and Unemployment, September 2004: W.P.364 SUNIL MANI Coping with Globalisation: Public R&D Projects in Telecommunications Technologies in Developing Countries, November 2004: W.P.365 R. MOHAN Central Finances in India- Alternative to Procrustean Fiscal Correction, November 2004 W.P.366 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Causality and Error Correction in Markov Chain: Inflation in India Revisited, December 2004 W.P.367 VINEETHA MENON, ANTONYTO PAUL, K N NAIR Dynamics of Irrigation Institutions: Case study of village Panchayat in Kerala, February 2005 W.P.368 J.DEVIKA Modernity with Democracy?:Gender and Governance in the People’s Planning Campaign, Keralam, February 2005 W.P.369 V.R PRABHAKARAN NAIR Determinants of Fixed Investment: A Study of Indian Private Corporate Manufacturing Sector, March 2005 W.P.370 SUNIL MANI Keeping Pace with Globalisation Innovation Capability in Korea’s Telecommunications Equipment Industry, March 2005 W.P.371 DIBYENDU S.MAITI Organisational Morphology of Rural Industries in Liberalised India: A Study of West Bengal, June 2005 W.P.372 MOTHURI VENKATANARAYANA On the Non-Random Distribution of Educational Deprivation of Children in India, July 2005 W.P.373 SUNIL MANI The Dragon vs. The Elephant: Comparative Analysis of Innovation Capability in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry in China and India, July 2005 W.P.374 K.C. ZACHARIAH, S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Unemployment in Kerala at the Turn of the Century: Insights from CDS Gulf Migration Studies, August 2005 W.P.375 R. MOHAN, D. SHYJAN Taxing Powers and Developmental Role of the Indian States: A Study with Reference to Kerala., August 2005: W.P.376 P. MOHANAN PILLAI, N. SHANTA Long Term Trends in the Growth and Structure of the Net State Domestic Product in Kerala, October 2005: W.P.377 NANDANA BARUAH Anti Dumping Duty as a Measure of Contingent Protection: An Analysis of Indian Experience, October 2005: W.P.378 K.N. NAIR, VINEETHA MENON Lease Farming in Kerala: Findings from Micro Level Studies, November 2005 W.P. 379 P.L BEENA Limits to Universal Trade Liberalisation : The Contemperory Scenario for Textiles & Clothing Sector in South Asia. March 2006 W.P. 380 RUDRA NARAYAN MISHRA Dynamics of Caste-based Deprivation in Child Under-Nutrition in India. July 2006 W.P. 381 K. J JOSEPH AND GOVINDA PARAYIL Trade Liberalization and Digital Divide: An Analysis of the Information Technology Agreement of WTO. July 2006 W.P. 382 SUNIL MANI The Sectoral System of Innovation of Indian pharmaceutical industry. September 2006 W.P. 383 SAIKAT SINHA ROY Demand and Supply Factors in the Determination or India’s Disaggregated Manufactured Exports : A Simultaneous Error-Correction Approach. May 2007 W.P. 384 K. C ZACHARIAH and S.IRUDAYA RAJAN Economic and Social Dynamics of Migration in Kerala,1999-2004 Analysis of Panel Data, May 2007 W.P. 385 M. PARAMESWARAN International Trade, R&D Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industry. June 2007 W.P. 386 J. DEVIKA ‘A People United in Development ‘: Developmentalism in Modern Malayalee Identity. June 2007 W.P. 387 D. SHYJAN Public Investment and Agricultural Productivity:A state-wise Analysis of Foodgrains in India. July 2007 W.P. 388 HRUSHIKESH MALLICK Does Energy Consumption Fuel Economic Growth inn India? September 2007 W.P. 389 K.J JOSEPH and VINOJ ABRAHAM Information Technology and Productivity: Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector, September 2007 W.P. 390 SUNIL MANI The Growth Performance of India’s Telecommunication Serivices Industry. 1991-2006 Can it Lead to the Emergence of a Domestic Manufacturing Hub? September 2007 W.P. 391 PULAPRE BALAKRISHNAN Visible Hand : Public Policy and Economic Growth in the Nehru Era W.P. 392 K.N NAIR AND R. RAMAKUMAR Agrarian Distress and Rural Livelihoods,a Study in Upputhara Panchayat Idukki District, Kerala November 2007 W.P. 393 S. IRUDAY RAJAN AND U.S MISHRA Managing Migration in the Philippines: Lessons for India W.P. 394 K.N NAIR, ANTONYTO PAUL AND VINEETHA MENON Livelihood risks and Coping Strategies: A Case Study in the Agrarian Village of Cherumad, Kerala November 2007 W.P. 395 K.C ZACHARIAH AND S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Migration Remittances And Employment Short-term Trends and Longterm Implications, December 2007 W.P. 396 K.N NAIR, C.P VINOD AND VINEETHA MENON Agrarian Distress and Livelihood Strategies : A Study in Pulpalli panchayat, Wayanad District, Kerala December 2007 W.P. 397 K.N NAIR AND VINEETHA MENON Distress Debt and Suicides among Agrarian Households: Findings from thre village studies in Kerala, December 2007 W.P. 398 P. MOHANAN PILLAI AND N.SHANTA ICT and Employment Promotion among Poor Women: How can we make it Happen? Some Reflections on Kerala’s Experience. February 2008 W.P. 399 V. DHANYA Liberalisation of Tropical Commodity Market and Addin-up Problem: A Bound Test Approach, March 2008 W.P. 400 T. R DILIP Role of Private Hospitals in Kerala : An Exploration, June 2008: W.P. 401 K. K SUBRAMANIAN AND SYAM PRASAD Rising Inequality with High Growth isn’t this Trend Worrisome? Analysis of Kerala Experience, June 2008 W.P. 402 K.PUSHPANGADAN and G.MURUGAN Dynamics of Rural Water Supply in Coastal Kerala: A Sustainable Development View: June 2008 W.P. 403 HRUSHIKESH MALLICK Government Spending, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in India: A Time Series Analysis. July 2008 W.P. 404 VINOJ ABRAHAM Employment Growth in Rural India: Distress Driven? August 2008 W.P. 405 SUNIL MANI Financing of industrial innovations in India How effective are tax incentives for R & D ? August 2008 W.P. 406 K.C ZACHARIAH AND S.IRUDAYA RAJAN Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans) September 2008 W.P. 407 HRUSHIKESH MALLICK Do Remittances Impact the Economy ? Some Empirical Evidences from a Developing Economy. October 2008 W.P. 408 M. S HARILAL Home to Market: Response, Resurgence and Transformation of Ayurveda from 1980′s to 1920. November 2008 W.P. 409 SUNIL MANI The Growth of Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship in India, 1991-2007 Analysis of its Evidence and the Facilitating Factors. February, 2009 W.P. 410 ARINDAM BANERJEE Peasant Classes, Farm Incomes and Rural Indebtedness: An analysis of Household Production Data W.P. 411 K. NAVANEETHAM, M.KABIR AND C.S KRISHNAKUMAR Morbidity Patterns in Kerala: Levels and Determinants, April 2009 W.P. 412 B. S SURAN AND D.NARAYANA The Deluge of Debt: Under-standing the Financial Needs of Poor Households. July 2009 W.P. 413 K. N NAIR, T. P. SREEDHARAN AND M. ANOOPKUMAR A Study of National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Three Grama Panchayats of Kasargod District: August 2009 W.P. 414 WILLIAM JOE, PRIYAJIT SAMAIYAR AND U.S MISHRA Migration and Urban Poverty in India Some preliminary Observations, September 2009 W.P. 415 SUNIL MANI Has India Become more Innovative Since 1991? Analysis of the Evidence and Some Disquieting Features, September 2009 W.P. 416 SUNIL MANI High Skilled migration from India, An analysis of its economic implications, September 2009 W.P. 417 NEETHI. P Globalisation Lived Locally: New Forms of Control, Conflict and Response Among Labour in Kerala, Examined Through a Labour Geography lens. October 2009 W.P. 418 WILLIAM JOE & U.S MISHRA Household Out-of-Pocket Health care Expenditure in India Levels, Patterns and Policy Concerns, October 2009 W.P. 419 R. MOHAN and D.SHYJAN Tax Devolution and Grant Distribution to States in India Analysis and Roadmap for Alternatives, December 2009 W.P. 420 V. J. VARGHESE Land, Labour and Migrations: Understanding Kerala’s Economic Modernity, December 2009 W.P. 421 S. IRUDAYA RAJAN, V. J. VARGHESE and M.S. JAYAKUMAR Overseas Recruitment in India: Structures, Practices and Remedies, February 2010 W.P. 422 JAYASEKHAR. S AND C. NALIN KUMAR Compliance, Competitiveness and Market Acess: A Study on Indian Seafood Industry, February, 2010 W.P. 423 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Loss of Load Probability of a Power System: Kerala, February 2010 W.P. 424 K. C. ZACHARIAH AND S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Migration Monitoring Study, 2008: Emigration and Remittances in the Context of Surge in Oil Prices, March, 2010 W.P. 425 P. L. BEENA and HRUSHIKESH MALLICK Exchange Rate and Export Behaviour of Indian Textiles and Clothing Sector: An Enquiry for Major Destination Countries, March 2010 W.P. 426 ANUP KUMAR BHANDARI Policy Makers’ Dilemma in the Face of Global Crisis: Some Perspectives regarding the Expansion of Indian Leather Industry, March 2010 W.P. 427 J. DEVIKA and V.J. VARGHESE To Survive or To Flourish? Minority Rights and Syrian Christian Community Assertions in 20th Century Travancore/Kerala, March 2010 W.P. 428 SUNIL MANI The Flight From Defence to Civilian Space:Evolution of the Sectoral System of Innovation of India’s Aerospace Industry. April 2010 W.P. 429 T. R. DILIP School Educational Attainment In Kerala: Trends And Differentials. April 2010 W.P. 430 SUNIL MANI Has China and India Become More Innovative Since the Onset of Reforms in the Two Countries?, May 2010 W.P. 431 GARGI SANATI Integration of India’s Financial Markets on the Domestic and International Fronts: An Emperical Analysis of the Post-Liberalisation Period, June 2010 W.P. 432 K.C. ZACHARIAH and S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Impact of the Global Recession on Migration and Remittances in Kerala: New Evidences from the Return Migration Survey (RMS) 2009, June 2010 W.P. 433 VIJAY KORRA Nature and Characteristics of Seasonal Labour Migration : A Case Study in Mahabubnagar District of Andhra Pradesh. July 2010 W.P. 434 BEENA SARASWATHY Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisations in India: Extent, Nature and Structure. July 2010 W.P. 435 Anup Kumar Bhandari Total Factor Productivity Growth and Its Decomposition: An Assessment of the Indian Banking Sector in the True Liberalised Era, August 2010 W.P. 436 S. IRUDAYA RAJAN and D. NARAYANA The Financial Crisis in the Gulf and its Impact on South Asian Migrant Workers, August 2010 W.P. 437 VINOJ ABRAHAM The Effect of Information Technology on Wage Inequality: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sector, September 2010 W.P. 438 APARNA NAIR The Indifferent Many and the Hostile Few: An Assessment of Smallpox Vaccination in the ‘Model Native State’ of Travancore, 1804-1941. November 2010 W.P. 439 RAJEEV SHARMA Diversification in Rural Livelihood Strategies: A Macro-Level Evidence from Jammu and Kashmir, December 2010 W.P. 440 P. L. BEENA Financing Pattern of Indian Corporate Sector Under Liberalisation: With Focus on Acquiring Firms Abroad, January 2011 W.P. 441 M. PARAMESWARAN Financial Crisis and Kerala Economy, January 2011 W.P. 442 VIJAY KORRA Short Duration Migration in India: An Appraisal from Census 2001 March 2011 W.P. 443 K. C. ZACHARIAH and S. IRUDAYA RAJAN From Kerala to Kerala Via the Gulf: Emigration Experiences of Return Emigrants, March 2011 W.P. 444 SUNIL MANI The Mobile Communications Services Industry in India: Has it Led to India Becoming A Manufacturing Hub for Telecommunication Equipments? April 2011 W.P. 445 PRAVEENA KODOTH and V. J. VARGHESE Emigration of Women Domestic Workers from Kerala: Gender, State Policy and the Politics of Movement, September 2011 W.P. 446 D. NARAYANA The Pricing Problem of Public Transport in Kerala September 2011 W.P. 447 N. VIJAYAMOHANAN PILLAI Modeling optimal time-differential pricing of electricity under uncertainty: Revisiting the welfare foundations W.P. 448 SUNIL MANI and ARUN. M Liberalisation of technical education in Kerala: has a significant increase in enrolment translated into increase in supply of engineers? W.P. 449 TAPAS K. SEN Recent Developments in Kerala State Finances W.P. 450 K. C. ZACHARIAH and S. IRUDAYA RAJAN Inflexion in Kerala’s Gulf Connection: Report on Kerala Migration Survey 2011 W.P. 451 SILVIA MASIERO Transforming state-citizen relations in food security schemes: The computerized ration card management system in Kerala W.P. 452 VINOJ ABRAHAM Missing Labour Force or ‘De-feminization’ of Labour Force in India ? W.P. 453 SUNIL MANI Changing Leadership in Computer and Information Services, Emergence of India as the Current World Leader in Computer and Information Services W.P. 454 J. DEVIKA Land, Politics, Work and Home-Life in a City Slum: Reconstructing History from Oral Narratives W.P. 455 J. DEVIKA Land, Politics, Work and Home-Life at Adimalathura: Towards a Local History W.P. 456 PRAVEENA KODOTH Who goes ? Failures of marital provisioning and women’s agency among less skilled emigrant women workers from Kerala W.P. 457 R. MOHAN, N. RAMALINGAM, D. SHYJAN Horizontal Devolution of Resources to States in India suggestions before the Fourteenth Finance Commission W.P. 458 M.A. OOMMEN, D. SHYJAN Local Governments and the Inclusion of the Excluded: Towards a Strategic Methodology with Empirical Illustration W.P. 459 SUNANDAN GHOSH Delegation in Customs Union Formation W.P. 460 KRISHNAKUMAR S Global Imbalances and Bretton Woods II Postulate