Sealed tenders are invited for running the CDS Canteen
Sealed tenders are invited from experienced Kudumbashree Catering groups/ Caterers/Contractors for running the CDS Canteen for a period of one year with effect from 01.01.2022
The Tender form may be purchased from the Estate and Engineering Section of CDS between 10 AM and 3 PM from 18 November to 03 December 2021 for a nonrefundable fee of Rs.300 + 18% GST
The sealed Tenders should reach The Registrar, Centre for Development Studies, Medical College P.O., and Thiruvananthapuram on or before 12.30 PM on 06 December 2021. Technical bids will be opened at 3 PM on 06 December 2021.
Please contact Estate and Engineering Section of CDS (Tel No. 0471-2774255, 2774200) for more details