Building a New Kerala: Ideas and Reflections
In the wake of the unprecedented destruction wreaked by monsoon flooding in Kerala, CDS as an institution committed to contributing to Kerala’s policy-building and public discussion, is launching a series of policy reflections, below. These are by important researchers, and activists who have considerable experience of working on and in Kerala.
1.Financing the Rebuild – Suggestions for Meeting the Challenges Ahead
R Mohan
2. Floods – a nimitham to Building Back Better?
John Kurien
3. Who will control the next-generation technology that will rebuild Kerala?
Anita Gurumurthy
4. Women and Gender Policy after the Deluge: Some Reflections
J Devika
5. Revive People’s Power in the Rebuilding
M P Parameswaran
6. On a Collective and Equitable Green Recovery – Challenging Modes of Domination
Shoba Arun and TG Arun
7. Thinking of Public Education in Times of the Deluge
K K Krishna Kumar
8. The Six Lessons from the Mega floods of 2018 for Rebuild Kerala
Sunil Mani
9. Some Priorities for Rehabilitation in the Kuttanad Region
A V Jose
10.Reconstruction of Kerala: Drawing on Strength
Srikumar Chattopadhyay
11. Can /Should Art Wait for Better Times?
C S Venkiteswaran
12. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction: A Chance for a New Kerala Model?
K K Eswaran and J Devika
13. New Foundations for the Mind: Rebuilding Intelligence in Post-Disaster Kerala
J Devika
14. Factoring Terrain Characteristics for Reconstruction of Kerala
Mahamaya Chattopadhyay
15. Everyday Risks, Precarious Livelihoods and the Politics of Disaster Management
Max Martin, Filippo Osella and Roderick Stirrat