Internship facilities at CDS
Although CDS does not have any institutional internship programme, eligible candidates seeking internship at CDS may directly approach a faculty member of CDS depending on the area of specialization/ interest. The decision to appoint an intern is left to the individual faculty (with the approval of the Director), subject to the following norms:
1) Students in their penultimate year of Masters programme anywhere in India and undergraduate (Degree) students from Colleges and Universities in Kerala are eligible for internship.
2) Applicants should be interested in social science research, focusing on issues of economic development.
3) Internship will be offered only for two months during the summer vacation (May and June).
4) The candidates should bring a letter from their institution and their identity card.
5) The internship shall be handled from the Academic Programmes Office of CDS.
6) On arrival at CDS for joining internship, the candidate may fill the prescribed application form available at Registrar’s Office of CDS and pay fees of Rs. 550/-at the accounts section.
7) Internee shall submit a report at the end of internship to the faculty guide. On the recommendation of the faculty guide, a certificate will be issued to the intern by the Academic Programmes Office of CDS.
• Interns need to find out their own accommodation. CDS will not provide accommodation inside the campus. • CDS shall not have any financial liability on account of the scheme