Interested applicants should first get in touch with a potential mentor who is a faculty member of Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram with a copy of their latest CV and the research proposal. Applications will be assessed by an internal committee and if found satisfactory the Centre will support the candidate’s application for CMNKPDF
• The maximum number of fellows that CDS can host in an year is 3
• Applications will be considered on a first come first serve basis
• All applications should be mailed to the Registrar, CDS (
Following conditions are attached to CDS hosting the fellowship-holders:
1. Successful applicants will have to present one open seminar per year during the tenure of the fellowship
2. They will have to publish 2 Working Papers of the Centre during a block of 2 years. Please note that all CDS Working Papers undergo an external double-blind referring process
3. They will have to submit 6 monthly progress report certified by their mentor to the Registrar’s Office
4. The fellows are required to be present in the Centre on all working days during the tenure of the fellowship and must sign in the register kept in Registrar’s Office every day.
5. All other rules applicable to CDS PhD scholars are applicable to CMNKPDF scholars
6. The fellows are entitled to an office space in CDS, access to CDS Library and Wi-Fi net work