Prof. C. Veeramani
Professor and Director
Centre for Development Studies
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 011
Tel: +91 471 2774201, Mobile: +91 7400205212
Email: veeramani@cds.edu
Area of Specialisation : International trade; Industrial economics; Foreign investment; Labour market
Topics: Global value chains, Trade, productivity and growth; Trade and labor market outcomes; Exports and jobs; Growth and structure of India’s trade in comparative perspective; Intra-industry trade; Trade and gender; Free trade agreements; Foreign direct investment; Trade and industrial performance; Trade, exchange rates and pass-through; National and state-level industrial productivity; State-level export performance, Plantation agriculture
- Director and Professor, CDS: 01 June 2023-
- Professor: IGIDR: February 2018 – 2023
- Associate Professor: IGIDR: March 2012 – January 2018
- Assistant Professor: IGIDR: July 2007 – February 2012
- Visiting Fellow: IGIDR: May 2006 – June 2007
- Assistant Professor: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai: June 2004 – April 2006
- Fellow: Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi: April 2002–June 2004
- Visiting Fellow: Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (ANU): AprilOctober 2010
- PhD in Economics, Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India, 2003 (Thesis title: Intra-industry Trade under Economic Liberalisation: An Analysis of India’s Manufacturing Sector)
- MPhil in Applied Economics, CDS, JNU (CGPA 7.6 in 10 point scale), 1999 (Thesis title: Intraindustry Trade under Economic Liberalisation: An Analysis with Special Reference to Indian Capital Goods)
- MA in Development Economics, Dr. John Mathai Centre, University of Calicut, Kerala, 1997 (First Class with 65%)
- Contributed Chapter 5 (“Creating Jobs and Growth by Specializing to Exports in Network Products”) of Economic Survey 2019-20, Ministry of Finance, Government of India (with Krishnamurthy Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of India)
- Member: “RBI’s Empowered Committee on External Commercial Borrowings and Overseas Direct Investments”, January 2018 – onwards
- Invited participant at two rounds of “Pre-Budget Consultation Meetings -Industry, Services and Trade with the Finance Minister of India”, December 17, 2019 & December 19, 2020
- Member: Board of Management, IGIDR (March 2018 – February 2020)
- Member: “Standing Technical Committee of Experts to review “India Exim Bank’s Export Leading Index model to forecast India’s exports”, since March 2018
- Dean (Students Welfare and Grievance): IGIDR, October 2013 – September 2015
- Member: Board of Studies, Bengaluru Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, August 2020 – onward
- Member: Board of Studies in Economics, Goa University, June 2022 – onwards
- Member: Local Consultative Committee, ICSSR, Western Regional Centre (February 2014 – February 2016; and January 2018-January 2020)
- Member: European Masters in Law and Economics (EMLE) Examination Board, 2015- onwards
- Subject Expert: to review research proposals under ICSSR’s “IMPRESS” scheme, 2018-2020
- Jury Member: India Exim Bank’s International Economic Research Annual Award 2016
- Member: Research and Recognition Committee, Faculty of HSS, Symbiosis International University, Pune , November 2017- onwards
- Coordinator: India Development Reports published by Oxford University Press in 2012-13, 2015, 2017 and 2022.
- Convener: Publication Committee, IGIDR (January 2011 –January 2021)
- Convener: Visiting Students Program, IGIDR (January 2018 –January 2021)
- Coordinator: “First Biennial Conference on Development – Trade and Development” December 17-19, 2020, IGIDR
- Member of IGIDR Internal Committees (selected): Executive Committee; Faculty Recruitment; IQAC; Students Welfare and Grievance Committee; Library; Research Ethics; Seminar; Academic Disciplinary Action Committee; Institute Academia-Business Engagement Committee; Internal Grievance Redressal; Complaints/Redressal committee for the prevention of Sexual Harassment; Committee for setting the question paper for the IGIDR Entrance Exam
- Australian Leadership Award from AusAID to undertake research at the Crawford School of Economics and Government, ANU, April – October 2010
- EXIM Bank International Economic Development Research Award for the best doctoral dissertation in International Economics by an Indian citizen, 2003
- Medal Finalist, 8th Annual Global Development Conference, Beijing, China, 2007
- Medal Finalist, 7th Annual Global Development Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006
- Junior Research Fellowship from the UGC to undertake doctoral research, 1999-2002
- Institutional Fellowship to carry out MPhil at CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, 1997-1998
- Joint Managing Editor, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer, October 2013 -onwards
- Economics Area Editor, Journal of Indian Business Research, Emerald, September 2013 – onwards
- Editorial Committee Member, Prajnan: Journal of Social and Management Sciences, National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune, November 2022 – onwards
- C Veeramani and R Nagaraj (Eds), International Trade and Industrial Development in India: Emerging Trends, Patterns and Issues, Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi, 2016
Refereed Articles in Journals
- “Growth Gains from Offshoring” Journal of Policy Modeling, revise and resubmit (with Sugata Marjit and Anwesha Basu)
- “Exchange rate fluctuations, labor laws, and gender differences in job flows: Analysis of manufacturing industries across Indian states”, World Development, 152, 2022 (with Purna Banerjee).
- “Do developing countries gain by participating in global value chains? Evidence from India”, Review of World Economics, 2022 (with Garima Dhir).
- “From Import Substitution to Integration into Global Production Networks: The Case of Indian Automobile Industry” Asian Development Review (MIT Press), 36 (2), 2019, p.72-99, (with Prema-Chandra Athukorala).
- “Fragmentation Trade and Vertical Specialization: How Does South Asia Compare with China”, Journal of Asian Economic Integration, 1(1), 2019.
- “Intensive and Extensive Margins of Exports: What can India Learn from China”, The World Economy, 41 (5), 2018, (with Lakshmi Aerath and Prachi Gupta).
- “Internationalization of Indian Enterprises: Patterns, Determinants and Policy Issues”, Asian Economic Papers (MIT Press), 6 (1), 2017, (with Prema-Chandra Athukorala).
- “Trade Liberalization and Women’s Employment Intensity: Analysis of India’s Manufacturing Industries”, Economic and Political Weekly, 52, (35), 02 September, 2017, (with Purna Banerjee).
- “Network Trade and Development: What do the patterns of vertically specialized trade in ASEAN tell us about India’s place in Asian production networks”, Global Economy Journal, 16(2), 2016, (with Meenu Tewari).
- “Manufactured Exports and Intermediate Imports by Indian States: Analysis Based on ASI Plant Level Data”, Journal of Income and Wealth, 38 (2), July-December 2016, (with Purna Banerjee and Dennis Rajakumar).
- “World’s Knowledge Spillovers: Beyond Openness and Growth”, Journal of Economic Integration, 29(2), 2014.
- “Anatomy of India’s Merchandise Export Growth, 1993-94 to 2010-11”, Economic and Political Weekly, 47(1), 7 January 2012, pp 94-104 (reprinted in Pulapre Balakrishnan (ed) Economic Growth and its Distribution in India, Orient Blackswan, 2015).
- “Impact of ASEAN-India Preferential Trade Agreement on Plantation Commodities: A Simulation Analysis”, Economic and Political Weekly, 46(10), March 5, 2011, pp 83-92, (with Gordhan Kumar Saini).
- “Trade Barriers, Multinational Involvement and Intra-Industry Trade: Panel Data Evidence from India”, Applied Economics, 41(20), 2009.
- “Impact of Exchange Rate Appreciation on India’s Exports”, Economic and Political Weekly, 43(22), 31 May 2008, pp 10-14.
- “Sources of India’s Export Growth in Pre-and-Post Reform Periods”, Economic and Political Weekly, 42(25), 23 June, 2007, pp 2419-2427 (reprinted in Pulapre Balakrishnan (ed) “Economic Reforms and Growth in India, Readings on the Economy, Polity and Society, Orient BlackSwan, 2011.
- “Industry-Specific Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in India” Indian Economic Review, 42(2), July-December, 2007, pp 211-229.
- “Manufacturing Productivity in Indian States: Does Investment Climate Matter?” Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (24), 11 June 2005, pp 2413-2420, (with B N Goldar)
- “Growing Intra-Industry Trade in Manufacturing: Implications for Policy” Economic and Political Weekly, 39(41), 9 October 2004, pp 4556- 4559.
- “Intra-Industry Trade of India: Trends and Country-Specific Factors”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv/Review of World Economics, 138 (3), 2002, pp, 509-533.
- “Intra-Industry Trade under Economic Liberalization: The Case of Indian Capital Goods Industries”, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, 11(3), July, 1999.
Refereed Articles in Edited Volumes
- “Declining Labor Share in Indian Economy: An Exploratory Analysis of the Role of Technology, Trade and Structural Transformation” in S Mahendra Dev (ed), India Development Report 2022, Oxford University Press (with Anwesha Basu).
- “Why Assemble in Tamil Nadu? Ideas from Trends in Global Trade” in P G Babu (ed) Economic Policy in Covid-19 Times, Orient BlackSwan, 2022, (with P G Babu; also available as MIDS Occasional Policy Paper 13, Covid-19 Series, July)
- “Emerging Trends and Patterns of India’s Trade Flows in a Comparative Asian Perspective”, in Suresh Chand Aggarwal, Deb Kusum Das, Rashmi Banga (eds), Accelerators of India’s Growth-Industry, Trade and Employment: Festschrift in Honor of Bishwanath Goldar, Springer, 2020, (with Lakshmi Aerath).
- “Dynamics of Fragmentation Trade: India in Comparative Asian Perspective”, in Ajitava Raychaudhuri and Prabir De (eds) World Trade and India: Multilateralism, Progress and Policy Response, Sage Publications, 2020, (with Garima Dhir)
- “International and Intra-national Trade Flows of Kerala with Special Reference to manufacturing Sector” in Sunil Mani (ed) Kerala and the World Economy, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, page 323-354, (with Mansi Arora).
- “Indian Manufacturing in Asian Production Networks: Patterns and Prospects of Deeper Regional Integration” (with) in Jayant Menon and Srinivasan T.N (eds), Integrating South and East Asia, Oxford University Press, 2017, (with Meenu Tewari and Manjeeta Singh)
- “Make What in India?” in S Mahendra Dev (ed), India Development Report 2017, Oxford University Press, 2017, (with Garima Dhir).
- “India’s export of unskilled labor-intensive products: a comparative analysis” in C. Veeramani and R Nagaraj (ed) International Trade and Industrial Development in India: Emerging Trends, Patterns and Issues, 2016, Orient Blackswan, (with Garima Dhir).
- “Emerging Issues in India’s Trade and Industrial Sectors: An Introductory Overview”, in C. Veeramani and R Nagaraj (ed) International Trade and Industrial Development in India: Emerging Trends, Patterns and Issues, 2016, Orient Blackswan, (with R Nagaraj).
- “India’s Agricultural Exports: Sources of Growth and Relative Sophistication” in Bandi Kamaiah, S V Seshaiah and GRK Murty (eds.) Select Issues in Macroeconomics: A Quantitative Approach, Festschrift in honor of Professor Dilip Nachane, IUP Publications, ICFAI, Hyderabad, 2014, (with Gordhan Kumar Saini).
- “The ‘Miracle’ Still Waiting to Happen: Performance of India’s Manufactured Exports in Comparison to China”, in S. Mahendra Dev (ed.) India Development Report 2012-13, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013, pp 132 – 150. 30.
- “India’s Export Sophistication in a Comparative Perspective”, in D M Nachane (ed.) India Development Report 2011, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011, (with Gordhan Kumar Saini).
- “Specialization Patterns under Trade Liberalization: Evidence from India and China”, in Natalia Dinello and Wang Shaoguang (ed.) China, India and Beyond: Development Drivers and Limitations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009.
- “India and China: Changing Patterns of Comparative Advantage?”, in R Radhakrishna (ed.) India Development Report 2008, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
- “Investment Climate and Productivity in Indian States” in B.Sudhakara Reddy (Ed.) Economic Reforms in India and China: Emerging issues and Challenges, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2009, (with B N Goldar)
- “Impact of Tariff Reforms on Indian Industry: Assessment based on a Multi- sector Econometric Model”, in Arvind Virmani, Propelling India from Socialist Stagnation to Global Power (Volume 2, Chapter 7), Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2006, (with Arvind Virmani, B N Goldar, and Vipul Bhat).
- “India’s External Sector after Economic Liberalization”, in Kesavan, K V (ed.), Economic Liberalization in India: Japanese and Indian Perspectives, ICSSR and Manak Publications, New Delhi, 2001, (with K J Joseph).
Un-refereed Articles in Books and Journals
- “Covid-19 and other Emerging Issues: An Overview” in S Mahendra Dev (ed) India Development Report 2022, Oxford University Press, forthcoming, (with S Mahendra Dev).
- “COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for India’s Exports and Global Value Chains”, in Prabir De and Suranjan Gupta, COVID-19 Challenges for the Indian Economy: Trade and Foreign Policy Effects, EEPC India and Asean- India Centre at RIS New Delhi.
- “Preparedness for Make in India and Other Emerging Issues: An Introductory Overview” in S Mahendra Dev (ed), India Development Report 2017, Oxford University Press, (with S Mahendra Dev).
- “Accelerating Growth and Development Challenges in Short and Long Terms” in S Mahendra Dev (ed), India Development Report 2015, Oxford University Press, (with S Mahendra Dev)
- “Participation in Global Production Networks for Make in India”, Yojana, April 2015, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.
- “India’s Experience with Reforms: What Next?” in S Mahendra Dev (ed), India Development Report 2012-13, Oxford University Press, 2013, (with S. Mahendra Dev and Srijit Mishra).
- “India and China Trade Patterns: A Comparative Perspective”, In S V Raju (ed.) India-China Relations: Challenges and Opportunities, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, 2011.
- “India Gearing up for Growth” East Asia Forum Quarterly, Vol 2, No. 2, April-June 2010, ANU E Press, Australian National University (reprinted in Insight Asia Pacific, German Asia Pacific Business Association, August-September 2010.
- “Modern Theories of International Trade: Intra-Industry Trade”, chapter in a book titled International Trade and Finance, compulsory reading for MA economics program at Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Book Reviews
- Review of an edited volume by Lloyd, P J., and Hyun-Hoon Lee titled “Frontiers of Research in Intra-Industry Trade” in Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Springer-Verlag), Vol 139. No. 3, 2003.
- “Meddling with Comparative Advantage?” Review of an edited volume by Nagesh Kumar and K J Joseph titled “International Competitiveness and Knowledge- Based Industries in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 43(19), May 10-16, 2008.
Occasional / Discussion Papers
- “Inter-linkages between exports and employment”, Exim Bank Occasional Paper, 179.
- “Competitive Structure of Plantation Commodity Exports: India’s Tea and Coffee Exports in a Comparative Perspective”, NRPPD Discussion Paper no 12, 012, National Research Program on Plantation Development (NRPPD), CDS, Thiruvananthapuram.
- “Impact of ASEAN-India Preferential Trade Agreement on Plantation Commodities: A Simulation Analysis”, NRPPD Discussion Paper No 2, 2010, CDS, Thiruvanthapuram, September (with Gordhan Kumar Saini).
- “Intra-Industry Trade in India’s Manufacturing Sector” Occasional Paper No 102, EXIM Bank of India, 2004.
Working Papers (unpublished in journals /books)
- “Labour Share in Indian Economy: An Exploratory Analysis of the Role of Trade, Technology and Structural Transformation”, IGIDR Working Paper WP-2021-027 (with Anwesha Basu)
- “Growth Gains from Trade, CESifo working paper Working Paper No. 7905 2019, (with Sugata Marjit and Anwesha Basu)
- “Dynamics and Determinants of Fragmentation Trade: Asian Countries in Comparative and Long-term Perspective”, IGIDR Working Paper WP-2019-04, with Garima Dhir)
- Domestic Value Added Content of India’s Exports: Estimates for 112 Sectors, 1999-2000 to 2012-13, IGIDR Working Paper WP-2017-008, (with Garima Dhir)
- “Does trade openness affect manufacturing growth at the Indian state level?,” MPRA Paper 58876, University Library of Munich, Germany, (with , Sayantan Ghosh Dastidar)
- “Analyzing Trade Flows and Industrial Structure of India: The Question of Data Harmonization”, CDS Working Paper No. 321, 2001.