Tirtha Chatterjee
Assistant Professor
Email: tirtha@cds.edu
Areas of specialisation: Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, Policy Evaluation
Ph.D. from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, India, awarded on March, 2018.-
Dissertation Title: Convergence and Clusters in Indian Agriculture: The pathways of Geography
- MPhil. in Economics (2010), IGIDR, Mumbai, India
Dissertation Title: Quantifying the impact of sanitary and Phytosanitary measures on Indian agricultural exports using GTAP model
- MSc in Economics (2007), University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
- BSc in Economics (2005), Presidency College, Calcutta, Kolkata, India
- Assistant Professor (tenured) at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum, India (from November, 1 2019 to present)
- Research Assistant, Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations, New Delhi (from August, 8 2016-September, 30th, 2019)
- Research Consultant, June 2010 – June 2012: Centre for Insurance and Risk Management, IFMR, Chennai
Chapters in Books
- Agri-commodity futures and value chains ( with Raghunathan, R. and Gulati, A.) in Transforming Agriculture in South Asia, The role of value chains and contract farming, edited by Ashok, K. Mishra, Anjani Kumar and Pramod K. Joshi , Routledge Studies in Agricultural Economics, Taylor and Francis Group (2020)
- Addressing Farm distress: MSP, Loan waivers and Direct Income Support (with Gulati, A. &Terway, P.), Economic Developments in India, EDI Volume 245, edited by Uma Kapila, Academic Foundation (2019)
- Supporting Indian Farmers: Price Deficiency Payments or Direct Income/Investment Support? (with Gulati, A. &Hussain, S.), Economic Developments in India, EDI Volume 243, edited by Uma Kapila,Academic Foundation(2018)
- Spatial aspects of Diversification in India (with A. Ganesh-Kumar), India Development Report 2017 edited by S. MahendraDev, Oxford University Press (2017)
Journal Articles
- Chatterjee,T., (2016), Spatial convergence and growth in Indian agriculture: 19672010, Journal of Quantitative Economics,doi: 10.1007/s40953-016-0046-3, Published online : 08-June, 2016
- Chatterjee, T and Ganesh-Kumar, A., (2016), Geographic neighbourhood and cluster formation: Evidence from Indian agriculture, Journal of Development Studies, doi: 10.1080/00220388.2016.1166211, Published online: 25-May, 2016.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and Chatterjee, T., (2016), Mega External Preferential Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Indian Economy, Foreign Trade Review, 51(1), pp.46-80, doi: 10.1177/0015732515616545.
Other Publications
Not peer reviewed
- Chatterjee Tirtha (2020), The Economics of a Plate of Food in India, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 55, Issue No. 13, 28 Mar, 2020,
Media articles
- Gulati, Ashok and Tirtha Chatterjee (December 10, 2018), Quick fix for the farmer, The Indian Express. Also published in the Financial express under the title, AASHA fails to lift farmers’ nirasha.
- Gulati, Ashok and Tirtha Chatterjee (July 23, 2018), The limits of MSP, The Indian Express. Also published in the Financial express under the title, The MSP and Procurement Conundrum.
- Gulati, Ashok and Tirtha Chatterjee (April 2, 2018), The right agri-support, The Indian Express. Also published in the Financial express under the title, The MSP and Procurement Conundrum
- Gulati, Ashok and Tirtha Chatterjee (December 04, 2017), Agri-futures, like China, The Indian Express. Also published in the Financial Express under the title Reviving Indian agri-futures- Lessons from China
- Gulati, Ashok and Tirtha Chatterjee (August 14, 2017), Plan for the Agri-futures, The Indian Express. Also published in the Financial Express under the title Getting agri-futures right for farmers
Working papers
- Reservation in Higher education and jobs (with Thiagu Ranganathan), Centre for Development Studies Working paper- 500, October 2020
- Chatterjee, T., Raghunathan and R. Gulati, A., 2019, Linking Farmers to futures markets in India, ICRIER Working paper No- 383
- Gulati, A., Chatterjee, T. and Hussain, S., 2018, Supporting Indian Farmers: Price Deficiency Payments or Direct Income Support? ICRIER Working paper No- 357
- Gulati, A., Chatterjee, T. and Hussain, S., 2017, Agricultural Commodity futures: Searching for Potential Winners, ICRIER Working paper No-349
- Chatterjee T., and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2014, Neighbourhood and agricultural clusters across states of India, WP-2014 -044, Working paper, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
- Chatterjee,T., 2014, Spatial convergence and growth in Indian agriculture: 1967 2010, WP-2014 – 35, Working paper, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development and Research
Current Research
- Financial incentives and fertility choices:Evidence from India (with Ritika Jain)
- Covid 19 and mortality in India (with Ritika Jain)
- Agricultural spending and politics (with A. Ganesh Kumar)
Current Teaching
- Issues in Indian agriculture- MA, 4th semester
- Econometrics- MA- 1st semester