Honorary Visiting Professor
E-mail : mani@cds.edu
Area of specialisation : Economics of Technology and Innovation
Academic Identity
1. Google Scholar: H-Index: 26, Citations: 2718
2. Scopus ID: 7103268267, H-Index: 11, Citations: 425
3. Vidwan ID: 254010, H-Index: 9, Citations: 341
- Post-doctoral research in Economics (non-degree), Oxford University, 1994
- Ph.D in Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1991
- M.Phil. in Applied Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1983
- M. A in Economics, Loyola College (Autonomous), University of Madras, 1981
- Director and Professor, RBI Chair, CDS, February 6, 2020-
- Director and Professor, CDS, February 6, 2017-
- Professor, Planning Commission Chair in Development Economics, CDS, September 2005-February 6, 2017
- Professor, CDS, September 2004- August 2005
- Research Fellow and Head of Graduate Studies, United Nations University-Institute for New Technologies (now known as MERIT), September 1998 – September 2004
- Associate Professor, CDS, August 1995 – September 1998
- Assistant Professor, CDS, January 1995 – August 1995
- Visiting Research Fellow, Queen Elizabeth Houseand Visiting Scholar, Green College, University of Oxford, January 1994-December 1994
- Assistant Professor, Centre for Development Studies (CDS), March 1991-December 1993
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad , February 1986-March 1991
Academic Achievements
- Member, Drafting Committee, Technology-led Innovation Policy, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, (January 2020-September 2020)
- Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo (February-July 2016, October-November 2017)
- Research Professor (Long Term), Bocconi University, Milan (October-December 2013 and 2012)
- Member, Advisory Steering Committee, Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (CeSTII), Human Sciences Research Council, Republic of South Africa (2011-Continuing)
- Visiting Faculty, Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta, PGPM and PGPEX (2009-10-continuing)
- Honorary Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (2009-2014).
- Honorary Fellow, National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (CSIR), New Delhi, (2009-)
- Honorary Research Associate,Institute for Japanese-European Technology Studies , University of Edinburgh, UK (2008-).
- San-Ei Gen Visiting Faculty at University of Edinburgh Management School, Scotland, UK(January 2008).
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Researc h Policy, (Elsevier Science).
- Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, (Inderscience).
- Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Technology, Learning and Development, Inderscience.
- Visiting Faculty, PGP-PMP, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
- Joint Co-ordinator, DEIP Training Programme India, 2009.
- Member, Steering group on Foreign R&D Centres, Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (2009-)
- Member, Expert Committee on Innovation Surveys, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2004-2008)
- Instructor, Globelics Academy, ISEG and Lisbon Technical University (2006-),TaSTI, University of Tampere (2008, 2011, 2013)
- Member, Organizing/Scientific Committee, Globelics 2010 at Kuala Lumpur, Globelics 2009 at Dakkar, Senegal Globelics 2008 at Mexico City, Mexico, Globelics 2007 at Saratov, Russia and Globelics 2006 at Trivandrum, India.
- Member, Program Committee, Atlanta Conference and Science and Innovation Policy, Georgia Tech, (2009).
- Academic co-ordinator ,Stanford Centre for International Development-Kerala Global Support Network- Asian School of Business Seminar Series on Kerala in the Global Economy (2005-).
- Member, Topic Advisory Panel, SciDev.Net (2004-)
Publications: Books
- Mani, Sunil and Chidambaran G Iyer (eds., 2021) , India’s Economy and Society, Lateral Exploration Singapore: Springer
- Mani, Sunil (ed., 2020) Kerala and the World Economy, Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies
- Malerba, Franco, Sunil Mani, Pamela Adams (eds., 2017), Rise to market leadership, Evidence from Automotive, Pharmaceutical and ICT industries from emerging countries, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass: USA: Edward Elgar
- Mani, Sunil (2016),NIS Diagnosis and STI Strategy Development to Achieve National Sustainable Development Goal, UN ESCAP-APCTT
- Mani, Sunil and Richard Nelson (eds., 2013),TRIPS Compliance, National Patent Regimes and Innovation, Evidence and Experience from Developing Countries, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass, USA.
- Malerba, Franco and Sunil Mani (eds.,2009)Sectoral systems of innovation and production in developing countries, Actors, Structure and Evolution,Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009 .
- Mani, Sunil, AnjiniKochar and Arun Kumar (2006) Kerala’s economy, Crouching Tiger, Sacred Cows, Kottayam: D C Books
- Mani, Sunil and Henny Romijn (eds., 2004)Innovation, Learning and Technological Dynamism of Developing Countries(Edited with Henny Romijn),Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2004,
- Bartzokas, Anthony and Sunil Mani (2004), Financial Systems, Corporate Investments in Innovation and Venture Capital (Edited with Anthony Bartzokas), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004.
- Mani, Sunil (2002) Government, Innovation and Technology Policy, An International Comparative Analysis, New Horizons in Economics of Innovation Series Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing: Edward Elgar
- Mani, Sunil (1993), Industrial concentration and economic performance, Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies
- Mani, Sunil (1992), Foreign Technology in public enterprises, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH
Publications: Journal Articles
Mani, Sunil (2023). “Innovation Performance of India’s Computer Software Services and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries.” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LVIII, No. 47, pp. 45-54.
Mani, Sunil (2022), ‘The Role of Industrial Policy in Market-friendly Economies Case of COVID-19 Vaccine R&D and Its Manufacturing in India and Its Contrast with the US—II’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.57, No:48, pp.51-58
- Mani, Sunil, V K Dadhwal, C.S. Shaijumon (2022), ‘India’s Space Economy, 2011–12 to 2020–21: Its Size and Structure’, Space Policy.
- Mani, Sunil (2022), ‘The Role of Industrial Policy in Market-friendly Economies: Case of COVID-19 Vaccine R&D and Its Manufacturing in India and the US—I’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.57, No:39, pp.47-53
- Mani, Sunil and Chidambaran G. Iyer (2022): Diffusion of digital payments in India, 2011–2012 through 2020–2021: role of its sectoral system of innovation, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/19761597.2022.2125883
- Porto T.C., Lee K., Mani S., (2021), The US–Ireland–India in the catch-up cycles in IT services: MNCs, indigenous capabilities and the roles of macroeconomic variables, Eurasian Business Review, Vo;.11, No: 1, pp.59-82, 2021
- Mani, Sunil (2020), ‘India’s patenting record since TRIPS compliance of her patent regime’, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
- Mani, Sunil (2020), ‘Developing India’s mobile phone manufacturing industry‘, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.LV, No: 9, pp, 50-57
- Mani, Sunil (2020) , Review of Blockchain Chicken Farm’ Wang, Xiaowei (2020), Blockchain Chicken Farm: And Other Stories of Tech in China’s Countryside, FSG Originals x Logic, Kindle., Review of Agrarian Studies, Volume 10, Number 2
- Mani, Sunil and Chidambaran G.Iyer (2020), ‘Train 18 and Before, Indigenous high technology research in India‘, The India Forum, May 1.
- Mani, Sunil (2019), Robot Apocalypse: How Will Automation Affect India’s Manufacturing Industry?’ Economic and Political Weekly, Special Article, Vol. LIV No.8, February,23
- Mani, Sunil (2018) ‘Economists and Public Policy in a Globalised World,’ Economic and Political Weekly, L111, No 30, July 28. Book Review on Economic Theory and Policy Amidst Global Discontent: Essays in Honour of Deepak Nayar, Edited by Ananya Ghosh Dastidar, Rajeev Malhotra and Vivek Suneja , London: Routledge,2018.
- Mani, Sunil (2018) ‘Dimensions of India’s Intellectual Property Right System: How Many Patents are Commercially Exploited in India,’ Commentary on India’s Economy and Society Series No. 2, May.
- Mani, Sunil. 2018. ‘What is Happening to India’s R&D Funding?’, Economic and Political Weekly, LIII, No: 14, pp. 12-14.
- Mani, Sunil and JanakNabar (2016), ‘Is the government justified in reducing R&D tax incentives?, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.LI, No: 30, pp. 22-25
- Mani, Sunil (2016), ‘New IPR Policy 2016’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.LI, No: 38, pp. 28-32
- Mani, Sunil and V.Sridhar (2015), ‘Diffusion of broadband internet in India’, *Economic and Political Weekly*, Vo.50, No: 51, pp. 54-62.
- Mani, Sunil (2014),‘Industrial investments in Kerala, Trends, constraints and future prospects’, The *Journal of Industrial Statistics*, Vol. 3, No: 2, pp. 169-198.
- Mani, Sunil (2014), ‘Emergence of India as the World Leader in Computer and Information Services’, *Economic and Political Weekly*, Vol 49, No. 49, pp. 51-61
- Mani, Sunil (2014), ‘Doesn’t India Already Have an IPR Policy?’, *Economic and Political Weekly,*Vol 49, No. 47, pp. 10-13
- Mani, Sunil (2014)‘Guide to data on Foreign Direct Investments to India’, International Journal of Development and Social Research, Vol, 1, Issue No: II, 2014, pp. 55- 66.‘
- Mani, Sunil (2014), Evidence-based policy making, What can we learn from India’s R&D Statistics? ‘, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 49, No: 10, 2014, pp. 13-16. (jointly with Anant Kamath)
- Mani, Sunil (2013) ‘Late industrial revolution in India, Democratisation of entrepreneurship’ (Review of the book, Sumit K Majumdar, India’s late late industrial revolution, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 48, pp. 25-28.
- Mani, Sunil (2013), ‘Outward foreign direct investment from India and knowledge flows, the case of three automotive firms’, Asian Journal of Technology and Innovation, Volume 21, Special Issue 1, 2013, pp. 25-38.
- Mani, Sunil (2013) ‘Evolution of the sectoral system of innovation of India’s aeronautical industry’, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, Vol. 7, Nos: 1 and 2, 2013, pp. 92-117.
- Mani, Sunil (2012) ‘The Mobile Communications Services Industry in India: Has it Led to India Becoming a Manufacturing Hub for Telecommunication Equipment?‘, Pacific Affairs, Vo.85, No: 3, September, 2012, pp. 511-530.
- Mani, Sunil (2012) ‘Liberalisation of technical education in Kerala, Has higher enrolment led to a larger supply of engineers?’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVII, No: 21, 2012, pp.63-73 (with M. Arun)
- Mani, Sunil (2011) ‘Bridging the digital divide: The Indian experience in increasing the access to telecommunication services’, International Journal of Technological, Learning, Innovation and Development, 2011, pp. 184-203.
- Mani, Sunil (2011) ‘Diffusion of new technologies and productivity growth in India agriculture, Natural Rubber vs Coconuts’, (with V. Santhakumar), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVI, No: 6, 2011, pp. 58-63.
- Guest edited a special issue of International Journal of Technology and Globalization, Vol. 5, Nos: 1&2, 2010.
- Mani, Sunil (2010), Are innovations on the rise in India since the onset of reforms of 1991? Analysis of its evidence and some disquieting features’, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, Vol. 5, Nos: 1 and 2, 2010, pp. 5-42 ;
- Mani, Sunil (2010) ‘Financing of industrial innovations in India: How effective are tax incentives for R&D’, International Journal Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol.3, No: 2, 2010, pp. 109-131
- Mani, Sunil (2009) ‘Is India becoming more innovative since 1991?’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 44, No: 46,2009, pp. 41-51
- Mani, Sunil (2008) ‘Growth of India’s telecom services (1991-2007): Can It Lead to Emergence of a Manufacturing Hub?’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIII, No: 3, January 19, 2008, pp. 37-46.
Publications: Chapters in Books
- Mani, Sunil (2021), ‘Manufacturing and Automation’ in R Nagaraj (ed.,) Industrialization for employment and growth in India, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, pp. 250-276
- Mani S. (2021) Introduction. In: Mani S., Iyer C.G. (eds) India’s Economy and Society. India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore.
- Mani S. (2021) India’s Performance in Science, Technology and Innovation: The Post 2000 Scenario. In: Mani S., Iyer C.G. (eds) India’s Economy and Society. India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore.
- Mani, Sunil (2021), ‘India’, in Schneegans, Susan, Tiffany Straza and Jake Lewis(eds.), UNESCO Science Report, Paris: UNESCO pp.604-621
- Mani, Sunil, S M Mohanakumar, V Santhakumar and T. Abhilash (2020) ‘Conservation of Agrobiodiversity: Assessing the Policies and Institutions in Kerala’ in Sunil Mani (ed.), Kerala and the World Economy , Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies, pp. 77-106
- Mani, Sunil (2020), ‘Introduction’, Sunil Mani (ed.), Kerala and the World Economy , Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies, pp. 1-21
- Mani, Sunil (2020), ‘High technology manufacturing in India, in CTIER (eds.), Technology and Innovation in India 2020-21, CTIER Handbook, Pune: Centre for Technology, Innovation and Economic Research, pp. 33-38
- Mani, Sunil (2017), ‘Policy spree or policy paralysis: an evaluation of India’s efforts at encouraging firm-level innovative activities’, in Kuhlman, Stefan and Gonzalo-Ordonez-Matamoros (eds) Research Handbook on innovation governance for emerging economies, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 316-344.
- Mani, Sunil (2015), ‘India’ in UNESCO Science Report 2015, Paris: UNESCO, pp. 599-619.
- Mani, Sunil (2014) ‘Economic liberalization and the performance of public sector enterprises in India’ in Terence Gomez, Francois Bafoil, and Kee-Cheok Cheong (eds.), Government-linked companies and sustainable, equitable development, London: Routledge, 2014, pp.18-38
- Mani, Sunil (2014), ‘Innovation: The World’s Most Generous Tax Regime’ in Bimal Jalan and Pulapre Balakrishnan (eds.), Politics Trumps Economics, The Interface of Economics andPolitics in Contemporary India , New Delhi: Rupa, pp. 155-169.
- Mani, Sunil (2014),‘National governments and the promotion of innovations’, in Grosclaude, Jean-Yves, Rajendra Pachauri, Laurence Tubiana, Damien Demailly, Raphael Jozan and Sanjivi Sundar (eds), Innovation for Sustainable Development, New Delhi: TERI Press, 2014, pp. 257-262.
- Mani, Sunil (2013), ‘India: in Kahn Michael, Luiz Martins de Melo, Marcelo G. Pessoa de Matos Financing Innovation, BRICS National Systems of Innovation, Delhi: Routledge India – 2013, pp.134-162.
- Mani, Sunil (2012) ‘Have China and India become more innovative since the onset of reforms in the two countries?’, in Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Anthony P.D’Costa (eds.), Transformation and Development, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 273-300.
- Mani, Sunil (2012) ‘High skilled migration and remittances: India’s experience since economic liberalization’, in K. Pushpangadan and V N Balasubramanyam (eds.), Growth, Development and Diversity, India’s Record since Liberalization, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012 pp. 181-209.
- Mani, Sunil (2012) ‘Explaining divergent stories of catch-up in the telecommunications equipment industry in Brazil, China, India and Korea’ in Franco Malerba and Richard Nelson (eds.), Economic Development as a learning Process, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 21-71.
- Mani, Sunil (2011)‘Promoting knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship in India’, in Szirmai, Eddy, Wim Naudé and Micheline Goedhuys (eds.), Entreprenurship and Innovation in Developing Countries, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 194-227
- Mani, Sunil (2011) ‘The performance of India’s telecommunications industry, 1991-2009’, Dev, Mahendra (ed.) , India Development Report 2010, Delhi: Oxford University Press, Chapter 10, 2011
- Mani, Sunil (2011) ‘High Skilled Migration from India, An analysis of its economic implications’, in S.Irudayarajan (ed), Migration, Identity and Conflict, India Migration Report 2011, London: Routledge, pp. 309-330.
- Mani, Sunil (2010) ‘India” in UNESCO Science Report 2010, Paris: UNESCO, pp. 363-377.
- Mani, Sunil (2009), ‘ Industrial sector in India and economic liberalizatiion’, in B A Prakash (ed), The Indian Economy since 1991, Economic Reforms and Performance, Delhi: Pearson Education, pp. 416-431.
- Mani, Sunil (2009) ‘Why is the Indian pharmaceutical industry more innovative than its telecommunications equipment industry ?’, in Malerba, Franco and Sunil Mani (eds.), 2009, Sectoral Systems of Innovation and Production in Developing Countries: Actors, Structure and Evolution, Cheltenham, UK and Nothampton, Mass., USA: Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 27-56.
Working Paper
- India’s Quest for Technological Self-Reliance Analysis of her Record with Respect to Patents in the Post TRIPS Phase – CDS Working Paper (No.496)
Other Publications
- Mani, Sunil and R Nagaraj (2020), ‘Offset dilution in defence, a flawed policy turn’, The Hindu, October 21,2020
Book Review:
- Mani, Sunil (2024). Review of The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity by Francoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debie, translated by Jeffrey Haines. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2023. Focus, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 6 and 20.
Current Research
- Investments in intangibles by India’s private corporate sector
- Patenting performance of India’s pharmaceutical industry vs its computer software industry
Current Teaching
- Economics of Technology and Innovation
- India’s external sector