Professor K N Harilal
Professor, Centre for Development Studies
Prasanthnagar Road, Ulloor, Thiruvananthapuram-695011, Kerala, India
Telephone: 91-471-2774300 (O), Mobile 96651462 (Res), Mobile: 9447302752
Email: harilal@cds.ac.in, harilalanantha@gmail.com
Areas of Research and Academic Interest:
International Political Economy, Regional Economy of Kerala, Rural Development and Agrarian Relations, Planning and Democratic Decentralisation
Scopus Author ID : 16039006900
- Citations: 181
- h-index : 3
Google Scholar
- Citations: 904
- h-index: 13
- PH.D. IN ECONOMICS, “Trade Barriers, Structural Mobility and Unequal Exchange: A Study of India-EEC Trade”, Centre for Development Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1997
- M.PHIL IN APPLIED ECONOMICS, “Kerala’s Building Industry in Transition: A Study of the Organisation of Production and Labour Process”, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1986
- M.A. IN ECONOMICS, Department of Economics, Karyavattom, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 1983
- PROFESSOR, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, since April, 2015.
- ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, October, 2001 to April 2015.
- ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, School of International Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, March 2000 to October 2001.
- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, School of International Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, March 1990 to March 2000.
- VISITING PROFESSOR, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU, New Delhi, 2015.
- Thirty-two years of teaching at the level of M. A., M. Phil., and Ph.D.
- The courses offered in the School of International Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University belonged broadly to the area of international political economy, India’s external economic relations and research methodology
- The courses offered in CDS covered international economics, India’s external trade and balance of payments, political economy and public finance
- Resource person in UGC refresher programmes for college and university teachers in Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi, Calicut and Kannur universities
- Resource person for training programmes for administrators, elected representatives of the people and activists in Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) and other training institutions
- Regular resource person in all major training programme (Viz., Student Exchange Programmes, TIPE, Migration Studies, Trade and Development) organised by the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum
PH.D Degree
- People’s Campaign for Planning in Kerala: A Study of the Participatory Methodology of Planning and Implementation (MGU, awarded).
- Globalisation of the Indian Natural Rubber Market: Impact on Rubber Producers (MGU, awarded).
- Economic Growth and Human Development: A Comparison of the Development Experience of Two Indian States: Kerala and Maharashtra (JNU, awarded)
- Globalisation Lived Locally: A Labour Geography Perspective on Kerala’s Labour Market (JNU, awarded)
- Movement of Natural Persons and the Sieve of Immigration Policy: A Study on India’s Mode 4 Exports to the United States (JNU, awarded)
- Labour in a Globalised World: In-Migration to the Gold Jewellery Making Industry in Kerala, India (JNU, awarded)
- Migration and Production of Space: Labour, Capital and the State in Kerala, India (JNU, awarded)
- Growth and Structural Changes in the Indian Economy: A Regional Analysis of Services Sector with Special Reference to Kerala, (JNU, Awarded)
- Impact of International Food Safety Standards on Exports of Fish and Fishery Products from India: The Case of Kerala (JNU, awarded)
- Dispossession, Labour Process and Production of Space: A Study of Coal Mines in Thalchar, Orissa. (Pre-submission Seminar over)
- Currently supervising four PH.D. Students.
M.Phil. Degree
- India and Japan: A Study on Bilateral Trade Orientation (MGU, Awarded)
- Agriculture under Economic Liberalisation: A Study of Rubber and Coconut Prices in Kerala (JNU, Awarded).
- India’s Exports to the GCC and the Migration-Trade Link (JNU, Awarded).
- The GATS and India’s Trade in Banking Services (JNU, Awarded).
- Free Trade Agreements and Rules of Origin: A Case Study of India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (JNU, Awarded).
- Geographies of Capital and Labour: Building Urban Infrastructure in Kerala (JNU, Awarded).
- An Analysis of Foreign Portfolio Flows in the Context of Capital Account Convertibility in India (JNU, Awarded).
- Kerala Tourism Policy: Issues and Options (MGU, Awarded).
- Anti-Dumping as a Measure of Contingent Protection: An Analysis of Indian Experience (JNU, Awarded).
- Gendered Impacts of Trade on Employment: Indian Manufacturing Industry in the Globalised Era (JNU, Awarded).
- Fiscal Transfers and Borrowing: Disparities among States in the Indian Federation (JNU, Awarded).
- Direction of India’s Foreign Trade: A Study in the Context of Regional Trade Agreements (JNU, Awarded).
- International Trade in Health Services: An Exploratory Analysis (JNU, Awarded).
- Commercialisation of Microfinance in Kerala, (JNU, awarded)
- Land Question and Mobility of the Marginalised: A Study of Land Inequality on Kerala (JNU awarded)
- Geo-Economics of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Analysis and Foreign Policy Strategy, (JNU, awarded)
M.A. Degree
Supervised several project reports of students of M.A Politics and International Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and M.A Applied Economics students in CDS
Articles in Journals
- Harilal K.N. (2021), “Globalisation of Agriculture and Atomisation of Farming: Small Farms Crisis in Asia”, 12 (3), 298-315, Millennial Asia
- Harilal K.N. (2020) “Real versus Fictitious: The Pandemic Closing In on the World of Finance”, September 5, 2020, Vol.LV, No.30, Economic and Political Weekly
- Harilal K.N. (2020) “World Economy and Nation States post Covid 19”, May 2,Vol.LV, No.18, Economic and Political Weekly
- Harilal K.N. and Eswaran K.K. (2018) “The Agrarian Question and Mechanisation of Agriculture in Kerala”, Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol.8, Number1, January-June
- Harilal K. N. and Eswaran K.K. (2017) “Agrarian Question and Democratic Decentralisation in Kerala” in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, 5 (2&3)1-33
- Jayasekhar S., Harilal K.N. and Sajan Thomas (2016) “ Experiencing the Food Safety Regime: Compliance, Market Access, and Coping Strategies of Indian Fisheries Sector”, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol.29 (Conference Number) pp.111-118
- Harilal K.N. (2015) “Building Democracy in Colombia: Some Observations in the Light of the Kerala Experience” Social Scientist, Vol. 43, No 11-12, November-December
- Harilal K.N. and Dhanya V. (2015) “The WTO Agreement on Agriculture and Tropical Commodities: A Study in the Context of South Asia”, Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol. 5, Number 1, January-June
- Jayasekhar S, Harilal K.N. and Sajan T. (2015) “Transformation of Value Chain Governance: The Impact of Food Safety Regime on Fisheries Sector of Kerala”, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol.28, (Conference Volume), pp. 237-246
- Harilal K.N. (2014) “Regional Cooperation for Whom? A Study in the Context of ASEAN-India Free Trade Area”, Millennial Asia, Volume 5, Number 2
- Harilal K.N. (2013) “Confronting Bureaucratic Capture: Rethinking the Methodology of Participatory Planning in Kerala”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVIII, No. 36, September 7
- Jayasekhar S, Harilal K.N., Parameswaran M. (2013) “Coping Up with the Standards Regime: Analysing Export Competitiveness of Indian Seafood Industry”, Sustainable Agricultural Research, Vol.2, No.1
- Harilal K.N. (2012) “Regional Route to Multilateralism: Proliferation of PTAs among Developing Countries and WTO Negotiations”, Millennial Asia, Vol. 3, Number 1, January-June
- Harilal K.N. (2009) “India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: Implications for Primary Commodities of South India”, Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.2, No.2 July-December
- Heller Patrick, Harilal K. N. and Chaudhuri Subham (2007), “Building Local Democracy: Evaluating the Impact of Decentralisation in Kerala, India”, World Development, Vol. 35, No.4, pp.626-648.
- Reynolds David and Harilal K. N. (2006), “Kerala: A Union Alternative to Corporate Globalization”, Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Volume 9.
- Ramachandra G.P. and Harilal K.N. (2006), “Northern Protectionism as a Violation of the Moral Obligation of fairness”, Gandhi Marg, Volume 28, Number 3.
- Harilal K.N. and Beena P.L. (2005), “Reining in Rules of Origin-Based Protectionism: A Critique of WTO Initiatives”, Economic and Political Weekly, No. 51.
- Harilal K.N. and Joseph K.J. (2003) “Stagnation and Revival of Kerala Economy: An Open Economy Perspective”, Economic and Political weekly, June 7
- Harilal K.N. and Suresh Babu M. (2002) “World Bank-CII Study on Competitiveness: Delimiting the Scope of the Reform Agenda”, Economic and Political Weekly, June22
- Joseph K.J. and Harilal K.N. (2001) “Structure and Growth of India’s IT Exports: Implications of an Export Oriented Strategy”, Economic and Political Weekly, August 25
- Harilal K.N. and Joseph K.J. (1998) “Natural Rubber: Perils of Policy”, Economic and Political Weekly, July 4-10.
- Thomas Isaac T.M. and Harilal K.N. (1997) “Planning for Empowerment: People’s Campaign for Decentralised Planning in Kerala”, Economic and Political Weekly, January 4-11
- Harilal K.N. (1991) “Autonomy of Demographic Variables”, Economic and Political Weekly, June 29
- Harilal K.N. (1989) “Deskilling and Wage Differentials in Construction Industry”, Economic and Political Weekly, June 17
Articles in Books
- Harilal K.N. “Reorienting People’s Planning in Kerala’, in Tharamangalam Joseph and Jose Chathukulam (Eds.), Deepening Democracy: Comparative Perspectives on Decentralisation, Cooperativism and Self-Managed Development, Routledge (Forthcoming)
- Srikumar Chattopadhyay and Harilal K.N. (2021), “Water Governance in Thiruvananthapuram City, Kerala: Existing Practices and Alternative Paradigms” in Baleshwar Thakur, Rajiv R. Thakur, Srikumar Chattopadhyay and Rajesh K. Abhay (Eds.) Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Governance: Indian and International Perspectives, Springer
- Harilal and Akhil C.S (2016) “Deterritorialisation of Keralam: Economy, Society and Polity”, Published in India Migration Report, Rutledge
- Harilal K.N. (2015) “Politics of a Public Space Refusing to be Public Enough: A Case of Innovation in Governance from Kerala”, in Roy, Ash Narain and Mathew George (eds.), Development, Decentralisation and Democracy, 2015, Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi
- Harilal K.N. (2008) “Redesigning Local Governance in India: Lessons from the Kerala Experiment” in Saito Fumihiko (ed.) Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralisation in Comparative Perspective, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Harilal K. N. and Jha Sejuti (2007) “Rules of Origin Regimes and South Asia: A Preliminary Survey of Issues”, in Chimni B.S. (ed.) South Asian Yearbook of Trade and Development, 2006, Multilateralism at Cross-Roads: Reaffirming Development Priorities, Centre for Trade and Development (CENTAD), New Delhi, and Wiley India, New Delhi.
- Harilal K.N., Kanji Nazneen, Jayaranjan J., Eapen Mridul and Padmini Swaminathan (2006), “Power in Global Value Chains: Implications for Employment and Livelihoods in the Cashew Nut Industry in India”, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London.
- Harilal K.N. (2006) “The External Sector’, Alternative Economic Survey, India 2005-2006”, Alternative Survey Group, Daanish Books, New Delhi.
- Harilal K.N. and Andrews Mathews (2006), “Commodification of Buildings and Labour Market Dynamics”, in Nair K.N. and Gopikuttan G. (eds.), Housing in Kerala: Impact of Investment, Technology and Institutions, Danish Books, New Delhi.
- Joseph K.J. and Harilal K. N. (2006), “Regional Implications of Globalisation: An Analysis of Kerala Economy”, in Tharamangalam Joseph (ed.) Kerala: The Paradox of Public Action and Development, Orient Longman, New Delhi.
- Eapen Mridul and Harilal K.N. (2006) “The Cashew Value Chain: A Preliminary analysis”, in Rajasenan D., and Groot de Gerard (eds.) Industrial economy of Kerala: Nodes and Linkages, CUSAT, Cochin.
- Eapen Mridul, Harilal K. N., Jayaranjan J. and Padmini Swaminathan (2005), “Liberalisation, Gender, and Livelihoods: the Cashew Nut Case”, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London.
- Harilal K. N., and Joseph K. J., (2005) “Free Trade Area Accord Between India and Sri Lanka: Implications for South Indian States” in Harshe Rajen and Seethi K M (eds.) Engaging with the World: Critical Reflections on India’s Foreign Policy, Orient Longman, Hyderabad.
- Harilal K. N. (2005) “External Sector” in Alternative Economic Survey, India 2004-2005, Disequalising Growth”, Alternative Survey Group, Daanish Books, New Delhi.
- Harilal K.N. (2005) “Migration and Development” in Rajasenan D., and Groot de Gerard (eds.) Kerala Economy: Trajectories, Challenges and Implications, CUSAT, Cochin
- Thomas Isaac T.M. and Harilal K.N. (1999) “Democratisation of the Planning Process: Experience of People’s Campaign in Kerala” in Oommen M.A. (ed.) Rethinking Development, Kerala’s Development Experience, Vol.2, Institute of Social Sciences, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
- Harilal K.N. (1999) “Technological Development and International Competitiveness: Recent Indian Experience” in Binay Kumar Pattnaik (ed.) Technology Transfer and In-House R&D in Indian Industry, II, IIT Mumbai and Allied Publishers, Mumbai.
Other Chapters
- “Growth and Employment”, Chapter 3, Kerala Development Report, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi. (As CDS Contribution)
- “Local Self Government”, Chapter 17, Kerala Development Report, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi. (As CDS Contribution)
Other Publications
- Narasimha Reddy D., Harilal K. N., and Jayaranjan J. (2005), Understanding WTO: A Media Toolkit, PANOS-SOUTH ASIA, Kathmandu, Nepal. Translated and published in several languages
- Thomas Isaac T.M., and Harilal K.N. (1991), Keezhadangalinte Arthasasthram, (Malayalam), Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad, Kozhikkodu, translated and published in Tamil as well
- Harilal K.N. (Ed.), Valarnuvo Ee Nadu Thudarano Ee Baranam (Malayalam), Chintha Publishers
- Harilal K.N. (2009), Bhoomafia-Asian Karar: Keralam Pidayunnu, (Malayalam), People Against Globalisation, Calicut
- Harilal K.N. and Eswaran K.K. (2015) “Agrarian Question and the Local Governments in Kerala”, Research Unit on Local Governments (RULSG), CDS, 2015:3
- Harilal K.N. (2012) “Planning as an Instrument of Politics? Rethinking the Methodology of Planning in Kerala” Research Unit on Local governments (RULSG) Occasional Papers 2022:1
- Harilal K.N. (2010) “ASEAN-India Free Trade Area-Noises of Dissent from Deep South”, Occasional Paper 2010:01, Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapruam
- Harilal K.N. and Beena P.L (2004) “The WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin: Implications for South Asia”, CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics and Environment,
Project/ Committee Reports
- “India’s International Trade in Health (Ayurveda) Services: A Study on Mode II Exports from Kerala”, , Co-authored with Hrushikesh Mallick and Sunandan Ghosh, Submitted to the Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, Government of India, Kolkata, 2016
- Several studies were undertaken as the Coordinator of the Research Unit on Local Governments in CDS. Started the occasional paper series of the unit. The research output of the unit was published as occasional papers as well as journal articles.
- Two chapters (Chapter 3 “Growth and Employment’ and Chapter 17 ‘Local Self-government) were contributed to the Kerala Development Report, 2008 (Academic Foundation, New Delhi) as part of a project funded by the Planning Commission of India.
- “Independent Country Evaluation: India”, 2011, E-Book, UNIDO, Vienna
- “Indian Coconut Economy Under Liberalised Trade Regime”, 2006, Co-authored with Narayana D., and Mukherjee Subrata, Submitted to Coconut Development Board.
- “Gender, Markets and Livelihoods in the Context of Globalisation: A Study of the Cashew Sector in South India (Kerala and Tamil Nadu)”, 2006, Ford Foundation.
- “Does Decentralisation Make a Difference? A Study of the People’s Campaign for Decentralised Planning in the Indian State of Kerala”, 2004, Co-authored with Chaudhuri Shubham and Heller Patrick, Project Report submitted to the Ford Foundation, New Delhi.
- “On Empowering Local Self Governments: Some Lessons from the Kerala Experiment”, Report submitted to the State Planning Board, 2004, Government of Kerala
- “New Vistas of Local Self-Governance: A Case Study of People’s Campaign in Kerala”, 2004, Rural Development Case Study, UNDP, South Africa.
- “Report of the Working Group on Distribution of Plan Grants to Local Bodies”, State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, 1998, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Steering Committee/ Plan Committee Reports for the IXth and XIIIth Five Year Plan, Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala.
- ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship, 1986-1990
- The Distinguished Achievement Award: The World Association for Political Economy, 2016
- Member, Kerala State Planning Board, From 22 July 2016 to 30 April 2021
- Member, Kerala State Planning Board, From 11 August 2006 to 30 April 2011
- Chairperson of State Resource Group on Decentralisation, 2016 to 2021
- Member, Board of Management, Kerala Bank, Since 2021
- Member, Independent Country Evaluation Mission, India, UNIDO
- Member, Working Group on “Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization of External Sector”, Eleventh Plan, Planning Commission, Government of India, 2006-07
- Member, Secretariat, Loka Kerala Sabha, Government of Kerala, 2018-2021
- Chairperson of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of
- Kerala Statistical Strengthening Programme, Government of Kerala (2019-2020)
- Consultant, People’s Campaign for Planning, Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, 1997-2001
- Member, Working Group on Evolving Formula for the Distribution of Plan Grants to Local Bodies, Government of Kerala, 1997
- Member, Steering Committee for Ninth Five Year Plan, Government of Kerala, 1996
- Elected Chairman, Kerala University Departments Students Union, 1983-84
- Elected University Union Councillor, Kerala University, from Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, 1980-81
- United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS) Counter Dialogue organized by Jan Sarokar, , 2 September 2021, New Delhi (Online)
- Seminar on South Asian Perspectives on Wage Theft and Access to Justice: A Virtual launch of Wage Theft Studies in Bangladesh, India and Nepal, 18 July 2021, Migration Forum in Asia, Philippines (Online)
- Principal Lecturer, ‘Course on Co-operatisation of Small Peasant Production and Village Level Democratic Governance’, Nyerere Resource Centre, Dar-es Salaam, 17 June 22 June, 2019, Tanzania
- World Association of Political Economy Conference, paper on “Mechanisation in Kerala Agriculture”, World Association of Political Economy, Patiala University, Date: 17-19 June 2016, Punjab
- “De-Territorialisation of Keralam”, 11 March 2016, Progressive Professional Forum, KALA, Kuwait
- “Capitalist Development and External Economic Policies”, 7 December, 2015, School of Political Economy, Communist Party of China, People’s Republic of China, Beijing.
- “Regions, Nation States, Citizens and Democracy in Global Governance”, 8 June 2015, LEAP, Helsinki
- Workshop on “Improving Citizen Engagement and Service Provision in Urban India”, 25-26 March 2014, Janagraha-Brown Initiative, New Delhi
- Workshops on ‘Peace Building in the Regions’, Foundation Ideas Para Paz, May 29 to June 2014, Bogota and Sincelejo, Colombia
- Conference on “India-ASEAN Economic Relations”, Association of Asia Scholars and Punjabi University, 8 February 2014, Patiala, Punjab
- “Tenth Anniversary Conference on Agrarian Issues”, Kochi, Kerala, Foundation for Agrarian Studies, 9-12 January 2014
- Seminar on “Statistical Databases in Gram Panchayaths”, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, 7 November 2013, Bangalore
- Delivered the EMS-AKG memorial lecture, Indian Social Club, , 22 March 2013, Muscat, Oman
- National seminar on “Transition in Villages: Implications and Outcomes”, Institute of Development Studies, 30-31, January 2013, Jaipur, Rajasthan
- International Conference on “Innovation and Development: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalisation”, Tenth Globelics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 9-11, November 2012, China
- International Conference on “Euro-BRICS 2012-2014: Towards a Set of Thematic Cooperation Based on Specific Political Diplomatic Framework”, LEAP and MGIMO, Cannes, 27-28, September 2012, France
- National Seminar on ‘Identification and Prioritization of Statistical Indicators on Climate Change’, CSO, Government of India, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Nizamiah Observatory Campus, Begum pet, 3-4 February, 2012, Hyderabad
- International conference on ”The Global Economy in a Time of Uncertainty: Capitalist Trajectories and Progressive Alternatives”, International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), Muttukadu, 24-26 January, 2012, Chennai.
- Training Workshop, “Analysis and Design of Pro-poor Value Chain Development Projects in Asia”, UNIDO and Kudumbashree Mission, Kochi, India, 1-4 March, 2011, Kerala
- “Dala Pravasi Sangamam”, Dubai Art Lovers Association, Dubai, 25-26 February, 2011. United Arab Emirates
- Expert Group Meeting on “From Analysis to Implementation: Experience in Pro-Poor Value Chain Development”, UNIDO, Vienna, 4-6 October, 2010, Austria
- “Kerala Mathrukayum Puthiya Velluvilikalum”, Seminar on the occasion of E.M.S. Janmasathabdi Akhosham”, Dubai Art Lovers Association, Dubai, , 6-7 August, 2010, United Arab Emirates
- Seminar on “Global Economic Crisis”, Abu Dhabi Sakthi, , 4 March 2009, United Arab Emirates
- National Consultation on “WTO and India: Strategizing beyond Hong Kong”, CENTAD, 20 March 2006, New Delhi
- South Asia Conference on “Mainstreaming Development in Trade Negotiations: Run Up to Hong Kong”, CENTAD, 27-28 October 2005, New Delhi
- “Discussion Table on Local Governance”, Ryukoku University (LORC), Fakakusa Campus, Kyoto, 24-26 June 2005, Japan
- International Symposium on “Citizen’s Participation in Local Public Policy Making: European Experiences in Global Perspectives”, VNG International, The Hague, 8-9 November, 2004, Holland
- “Capacity Building for Trade and Globalisation”, UNCTAD, Government of India and DFID, 12 April, 2004, New Delhi
- “From Cancun to Sao Paulo: The Role of Civil Society in the International Trading System” Afro-Asian Civil Society Seminar, CUTS, April 13-15 2004, New Delhi
- All India Conference on “Agriculture and Rural Society in Contemporary India”, State Planning Board, Government of West Bengal, Bardhaman, December 17-20, 2003, West Bengal
- “South-Asian Agenda for the Cancun Ministerial”, SAWTEE and CUTS, Kathmandu, July 24-25, 2003, Nepal
- International Seminar on ‘Industrial Linkages and Development in Kerala’, 23-24 January 2003, Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala and Development Research Institute, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
- IDEAs Conference on “International Money and Developing Countries: Theoretical and Policy Issues in the Current Context”, IDEA, Muttukadu, Chennai, December 16-19 2002, Tamil Nadu
- International Seminar on “Experiments in Democratic Decentralisation”, Centre for Policy Studies, Johannesburg, 2001 June 26-28, South Africa.
- Public Lecture on ‘Cooperative Movement in the Making of the Kerala Model of Development’, Cooperative University, Moshi, 21 June 2019, Tanzania
- Delivered the P.K.Gopalakrishnan Memorial in the Kerala Science Congress, 10 February 2022, Kerala State Science and Technology Council, Trivandrum
- Delivered the Bishop M. M. John Memorial Lecture 2016, Bishop Moore College Mavelikkara
- Series Editor, Silver Jubilee Series on Local Level Participatory Planning in Kerala, Kerala Institute of Local Administration and Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation.
- Member, Panel of Editorial Advisors, Kerala Economy, a Publication of Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation
- Member, International Editorial Board, Migration and Development, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
- Was on editorial board of Sastharagati, monthly publication of the well known popular science movement in Kerala, the Kerala Sathra Sahithya Parishath (KSSP)
- As Member Kerala State Planning Board in charge of NORKA and as member of the ‘Loka Keralasabha’ secretariat I was a lead Organiser of the first two ‘Loka Keralasabhas’ convened by the Government of Kerala (12, 13 January 2018, and 1,2,3 January 2020). It is platform for Keralites everywhere, within Kerala as well as everywhere outside, convened at least once in two years. It is conceived as a response to the on-going process of ‘Deterritorialisation of Keralam’. The idea was developed from our research in CDS
- I was a Joint Convenor of all editions of ‘Kerala Padhana Congresses’ organised by the AKG Centre for Research and Studies, Trivandrum. The Kerala Padana Congresses (1994, 2005, 2011 and 2016) have had major influence on the development discourses in the state.
- In government I had the privilege of organising several conferences on varied themes. In fact, most new initiatives demanded such dialogues involving government officers, researchers, activists and other stakeholders. Conferences related to the overhauling of the methodology of participatory local level planning and the formulation of the district plans might be specially mentioned.
- “Challenges in the Plantations Sector”, Date(s): 24, August 2011, Kumali, AKG Centre for Research and Studies, Kumali, Idukki
- “Rethinking the Methodology of Participatory Local Level Planning in Kerala”, in CDS, August 11, 2011
- Follow up Workshop on “Rethinking the Methodology of Participatory Local Level Planning in Kerala”, in CDS, January16, 2012
- “Discussion on Fourth Finance Commission Devolution Formula”, in CDS, November 17, 2011
- Seminar on “Aspiring for Women’s Full Citizenship in Kerala: The Kudumbashree Mission”, in CDS, 21 December 2012
- Convenor, UGC sponsored refresher programme for college teachers in economics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
- Convenor, National Seminar on ‘Kerala in the World-Economy’ February 2000, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
- Joint Convenor, ‘International Conference on Democratic Decentralisation’ May 2000, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- Member, Local Resources and Human Development Research Group (LORC), Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, 2005-2008.
- Member, Expert Group on Pro-Poor Value Chain Development, UNIDO
- Chairman, Advisory Committee, State Academy on Statistical Administration, Government of Kerala, Since October 2017.
- Member, Board of Studies of West Asian Studies, University of Calicut.
- Member, Board of Studies of International Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University.
- Member, WTO Cell, Government of Kerala.
- Member, General Council, IRTC, Palakkad.
- Member, Board of Studies, Malayalam Sarvakalasala, Thirur, Malappuram, Kerala
- Regular participation in television and radio discussions on development issues.
- Classes on development issues for activists in political parties, trade unions, NGOs, student and youth organisations, journalists, government officers, etc. A regular resource person for many organisations.
- Travels quite a lot within the state for participating in seminars on development topics, and for giving public lectures.
- Prolific popular writing on development issues in newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and books.
- Harilal K.N: “Rubbarinte Rakshakku Enthanu Thadassam?”, (Malayalam) Mathrubhoomi Daily, 8 September 2022
- Harilal K.N: “Rubber Krishiye Rakshikkam”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhoomi Daily, 27 August, 2022
- Harilal K.N: “Penshionilum Kai-ittu Varumbol”, (Malayalam) Mathrubhoomi Daily, 20 December 2021
- Harilal K.N, “Preparing the State’s Economy for the new Normal Post Pandemic”, People’s Democracy, 15 March 2020
- Harilal K.N: “Keralathil Kovidanantharam Vijnana Viplavam”, (Malayalam), Chintha Weekly, 11 March 2020
- Harilal K.N: “Kendrapadhathi Keralathinte Panam”, (Malayalam), 9 February 2020, Malayala Manorama Daily
- Harilal K.N: “Lokakerala Sabhayum Pravasi Pradhinithyavum”, (Malayalam) Mathrubhoomi Daily, 6 January 2018
- Harilal K.N. and Eswaran K.K: “Karshikarangam: Puthiya Sangharshangalum Thadheseeya Sadhyathakalum” in Kunjikkannan T.P. (Ed.) Keralam 2020, D.C Books, Kottayam, 2016
- Harilal K.N and Akhil C.S: “Bhoopada Keralavum Agola Keralangalum”, Mathrubhoomi Weekly, August 28, 2016
- Harilal K.N. (2016): Baudget Charithrathile Puthiya Adhyayam”, Madhyamam Daily 9 July, 2016
- Harilal K.N. (Ed.): Valarnnuvo ei Nadu: Thudarano ei Bharanam, Chintha Publishers, Trivandrum, 2016
- Harilal K.N: “Agola Mannyavum Keralathinte Purapperumayum”, Mathrubhoomi Daily, 17, May 2016
- Harilal K.N: “Kerala budget: A laudable effort to jump the fiscal hurdle”, People’s Democracy, 17 July 2016
- Harilal K.N: “Greece: Utharam Thedunna Euro Samavakyam”, Mathrubhoomi Current Affairs, August 2015
- “Proliferation of Free Trade Area Agreements and Currency Conflicts”, Euro-BRICS News, euro-brics@europe2020.org, February 2014
- “This Budget will Derail State’s Economy”, Times of India, 25 January 2014
- “Janasankhyaparinamavum Pankalitha Penshanum”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhoomi Daily, 23 February 2013
- “Niyamavidheyamaya Bhumi Kumbhakonam”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhoomi Daily, 2012, 26 July.
- “Kerala Bharanathile Iruttu Nilavarakal”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Daily, 13 May, 2012.
- “Onnam Rankinte Nanarthangal” (Malayalam), India Today, 2011, 19, October.
- “Manmohan: Oru Pavakuthinte Katha”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Daily, 2011, 11 August.
- “Bharanakudathe Cheruthakkunnu”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Daily, 2011, 12 August.
- “Agola Sampathika Prathisandhi”, (Malayalam), Keli, 2010, January.
- “Sarkarintae Bharananettangal Enganae Vilayiruthanam”, (Malayalam), CITU Sandesham, 2010, June.
- “Keralavum Bhakshya Surakshayum”, (Malayalam), Sasthragathy, Kozhikode, 2009, November.
- “Kalangamillatha Vipani Swapnam Mathramanu”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Weekly, Kozhikode, 2009, November.
- “India, China, ASEAN, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Weekly, Kozhikode, 2009, October.
- “Uthpadanakshamathayum Mannirayudae Kazhchayum, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Weekly, Kozhikode, 2009, September.
- “ASEAN Namme Enganae Badhikkum”, (Malayalam), Mathrubhumi Weekly, Kozhikode, 2009, September.
- “Indo-ASEAN Swathanthra Vyaparakkararum Keralavum”, (Malayalam), Chintha Weekly, Thiruvananthapuram, 2009, August 7.
- “Muladhanapaksha Budget”, (Malayalam), Chintha Weekly, Thiruvananthapuram 2009, July 17.
- “Agola Sampathika Prathisandhiyum Karshika Keralavum” , (Malayalam), 2009, Kalikam, January.
- “Kerala Vikasanam – Bhuprashnam Muthal Bhuprashnam Varae”, (Malayalam), Orma 2009, Prof. P. Sreedharan Foundation, Malappuram.
- “Agola Sampathika Prathisanthiyum Karshika Keralavum”, (Malayalam), Keralakarshakan Magazine, 2009, January.
- “Kerala budget 2010-11: Celebrating the Left Alternative”, People’s Democracy, 2010, March 28.
- “Kerala as God’s (Gold’s) Own Country”, Kerala Calling, 2009, December.
- “December 31 Tariffs: Bearing on Asean FTA”, Economic Times, 2009, December 29.
- “Counter-Cyclical Punch”, Financial Express, 2009, April 16.
- “Kerala: A Great Leap Forward”, People’s Democracy, 2009, June 28.
- Was Member, Governing Board, Centre for Development Studies
- Was Member, Committee of Direction, Centre for Development Studies
- Was Member, Finance committee, Centre for Development Studies
- Was Programme Coordinator, CDS Research Unit on Local Governments, June 2011 to July 2016
- Was Chairman, CDS Library committee
- Was Member, Committee on K.N. Raj Fellowships
- Was Member, Research Advisory Committee NRPPPD, Centre for Development Studies
- Was Chairman, CDS Staff Welfare Fund