Beena P L
Email: beena@cds.edu, beenaeconomist@gmail.com
Areas of specialisation: IPR Institutions, Corporate Mergers, Innovation activities and Indian industries; OFDI, CBM & As and Developmental implications; Competition Policy and Knowledge Economy; SMEs and Gender Enterprises; WTO, Regional Integration and South Asia.
- Ph.D. in Economics, Centre For Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, (1993-1998).
- M.Phil in Applied Economics, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru University), (1989-1991).
- M.A in Economics (Applied), Dr. John Mathai Centre, Calicut University, India (1986-1988).
- B.Sc. in Mathematics, Calicut University, Kerala (1983-86).
- CDS: Professor (since 1st November 2020), Associate Professor (2014 – 2020), Assistant Professor (2001-2014)
- National Council for Applied Economic Research, New Delhi : Consultant (July 2001- Feb 2002).
- Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi: consultant (1999-2001).
- Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum Kerala: Pos-D doctoral Fellow, Feb 1999-Aug 1999.
- National Council for Applied Economic Research, New Delhi: Consultant (1992-1995).
- Industrial Economics; Indian Economic Development
Academic Achievements:
- Member of the Public Expenditure Committee, Government of Kerala, 2022.
- Visiting Fellow, CESP, JNU during 17 March 2017 to 31 March 2017
- ICSSR General Fellow, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi (25 January, 2010 to 12 January 2012).
- Participant of Cambridge Advanced Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 3-18 July, 2003).
- Visiting Fellow at Queen Elizabeth House (C R Parekh/Nirman South Asian Visiting Fellow) International Development Centre, Oxford, UK (15 April to 22 June, 2002).
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Development Studies, (February 1999-August 1999).
Book Publications: (3)
- Beena PL, Murali Kallummal and Santosh Kumar (2022), Indian Economy and Neoliberal Globalisation: Finance, Trade, Industry and Employment’, Routledge, London https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003343998.
- PL Beena (2018;2104) MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS: India under Globalisation, Routledge, South Asia Edition, New Delhi, London, New York, 292 pages, Hardbound: Reprint, ISBN 978-1-138-34949-0.
- Shukla S S, Rao V V P, Madhavachari R and Beena P L (1993) Indian Shipping Industry: Retrospect & Prospect, New Delhi, NCAER, ISBN 81-85877-04-1.
Journal Articles
- Chandrasekhar K, Joseph KJ and Beena PL (2023) Innovations and Firm performance in Informal Manufacturing Enterprises, Economic and Political Weekly, vol.58, no.30, July.
- Beena PL and Ritika Jain (2023) Composition of Non-tax Revenue in Kerala: Identifying potential sources of resource mobilization? Kerala Economy, Vol.4, No 4, ISSN no.2583-4436.
- Sanjib Pohit, etal (2024) Challenges and Policy Implications for Low Carbon Pathway for Kerala: An Integrated Assessment Modelling Approach, Research Square, DOI: 10.21203/rs.
- PL Beena (2022) ‘Outward FDI and Cross-Border M&As: Evidence from Indian Corporate Sector’, Economic and Political Weekly, vol LVII no 47.
- PL Beena (2021) IPR Regime and Antitrust Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions: With a Focus on Software and Pharmaceutical Sector, The Antitrust Bulletin, Vol 66, Issue 2, SAGE, USA ISSN: 19307969, 0003603X.
- Beena PL (2018) Pattern of International trade through Kerala State under WTO Regime: Myth and Reality, KASARA (A PeerReviewed Journal of Humanities), Vol8, No.1, January-June,ISSN 2320-2580.
- PL Beena (2016) “Globalisation, Corporate Strategies and Performance of Indian Industries: Some Grey Areas that Call for Regulatory Attention”, Journal of Social Discourse, Vol.3, No.1, March 2016, KERENG/2013/56743.
- P L Beena (2011) ‘Economic Liberalisation and Financing Pattern of Acquiring Firms Abroad’, Transnational Corporation Review Journal, Vol 20, June 30, UNCTAD, ISSN: 1918-6444.
- P L Beena & Hrushikesh Mallick (2011) ‘Exchange Rate and Export Behaviour of Indian Textiles and Clothing Sector: An Enquiry for Major Destination Countries’, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2011, Vol.4, No.4, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1752-0479.
- P L Beena (2008) ‘Trends and Perspectives on Corporate Mergers in Contemporary India’, Economic and Political Weekly, Review of Industry and Management, Vol XLIII, No.39, September 27, pp.48-56, Bombay, ISSN 0012:9976.
- K N Harilal & PL Beena (2005) ‘Reining in Rules of Origin Based Protectionism: A Critique of WTO initiatives’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, No. 51, December 17-25, Bombay, ISSN 0012:9976.
- P L Beena (2000) ‘Role of Mergers in Indian Private Corporate Sector’, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Special Issue on Management of Knowledge and Intangibles for Innovation“, August-Sept, NISCOM, New Delhi, ISSN: 0022-4456.
- Sanjib Pohit, Rajesh Chaddha, P L Beena, and N Sangeeta (2001) ‘Estimation of Substitution Parameter in Indian Industries: A Disaggregated Approach’, Indian Economic Journal, Vol.48, No.2, New Delhi, ISSN: 0019-4662.
- PL Beena (1995) ‘Productivity Trends in the Public and Private Sector of Kerala State Enterprises’, Journal of Management Development, Vol.8, No.1, pp.75-102, New Delhi, ISSN: 0970-6623.
- PL Beena (1995) ‘Trends in Capacity Utilisation- A Comparative Study between State Public Sector and Private Sector Manufacturing Enterprises in Kerala’, ANVESAK, Vol.25, No:2,1995, Ahmedabad
Chapters in Books (8)
- PL Beena and Smruti Ranjan Sahoo (2023) IPR Regime and Antitrust Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions:Evidence from the Technology-Intensive Industries, Chapter 9 in Indian Economy and Neoliberal Globalisation: Finance, Trade, Industry and Employment’, ed by Beena PL, Murali Kallummal and Santosh Kumar, Routledge, London https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003343998 .
- PL Beena and Siddik Rabiyath (2022) “IPR regime and Developmental Implications” in
- PL Beena, Pradeesh Kumar and George Paily (2020) ‘Structure, Direction and Export Contribution of Kerala State: With Special Reference to Cochin Special Economic Zone ‘,in Sunil Mani (ed) Kerala and the World Economy, Chapter 13, pp.355-390, Centre for Development Studies,ISBN:978-81-948195-3-0
- P.L.Beena (2010) ‘Limits to Universal Trade Liberalisation: Experience of South Asia in Textiles and Clothing Sector’ in Ashwini Deshpande (ed), Handbook of Globalisation and Development, Chapter 4, pp. 46-63,Oxford University Press, Second edn. 2010, ISBN: 9780198069102.
- P.L.Beena (2007) ‘Limits to Universal Trade Liberalisation: Experience of South Asia in Textiles and Clothing Sector’ in Ashwini Deshpande (ed), Handbook of Globalisation and Development, Chapter 4, pp. 46-63,Oxford University Press, First edn. 2007, ISBN: 019569092-3.
- P.L. Beena, Laveesh Bhandari, Sumon Bhaumik, Subir Gokarn (2004), ‘Foreign Direct Investment in India’, in Saul Estrin and Klaus Meyer (eds), Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets, Chapter 5, pp.125-146, Edward Elgar, UK, ISBN: 1-84376-781-3.
- P.L. Beena, Subir Gokarn and Anjali Tandon (2004), ‘Indian Case Studies’, in Saul Estrin and Klaus Meyer (eds), Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets, Chapter 6, pp.147-173, Edward Elgar, UK, ISBN: 1-.84376-781-3.
- PL Beena, (2001) ‘Intangibles and Finance: ‘Motives and consequences of Mergers in Indian Corporate Sector’ in Banerjee P & Richter F.J (eds), Intangibles in Competition and Cooperation: Euro-Asian Perspectives, Chapter 3, pp.53-73, Palgrave, London and New York, ISBN: 0-333-96019-X.
CDS and Other Working Papers: (10)
- PL Beena (2018) Outward FDI and Cross-border M&As by Indian firms: A Host Country -Level Analysis, WP No.479, CDS, Trivandrum.
- P L Beena (2011) ‘Economic Liberalisation and Financing Pattern: With a Focus on Acquiring Firms Abroad’, CDS Working Paper, No.440, January.
- P L Beena and Hrushikesh Mallick (2010) ‘Exchange Rate and Export Behaviour of Indian Textiles and Clothing Sector: An Enquiry for Major Destination Countries’, CDS Working Paper 425, March.
- P L Beena (2006) ‘Limits to Universal Trade Liberalisation: The Contemporary Scenario for Textiles & Clothing Sector in South Asia’, CDS Working Paper , March.
- P L Beena (2004) ‘Towards Understanding the Merger-Wave in the Indian Corporate Sector: A Comparative Perspective’, CDS Working Paper, January.
- K N Harilal and P.L.Beena (2003) ‘The WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin: Implications for South Asia’, CDS Working Paper, December.
- PL Beena, Subir Gokarn, Anjali Tandon, (2002) “Entry Strategies in Emerging Markets: A Case Study of ABN Amro India” DRC working paper No 5, CNEM, London Business School, UK.
- PL Beena, Sumon K Bhaumik, Laveesh Bhandari, Subir Gokarn, (2002) “Survey of FDI in India”, DRC Working Paper No 6, CNEM, London Business School, UK.
- PL Beena, (2000) “An Analysis of Mergers in the Private Corporate Sector in India” Working Paper No.301,Centre For Development Studies, Trivandrum.
- Sanjib Pohit, Rajesh Chaddha, PL Beena, and N.Sangeeta (1996) “Estimation of Substitution Parameter in Indian Industries: A Disaggregated Approach” Working Paper No: 62, NCAER, New Delhi.
Conference Proceedings, Book Reviews and Other Publications (12)
Conference Proceedings (5)
- PL Beena and Siddik Rabiyath (2019) “IPR regime and Developmental Implications”in a conference titled Globalisation of Technology and Development”, 14th annual conference of Knowledge forum, October , 2019, http://fgks.in/images/pdf/conf/2019/PLBeena.pdf. , Conference Proceedings.
- PL Beena (2018) Trends, Motives and Developmental Implications of Outward Investments from Indian Corporate Sector, paper presented at GLOBALICS, Accra, Ghana, October.
- Beena PL (2017) “Outward FDI, Cross-Border M&As and Home-country Employment Effect: Indian Evidence”, Annual Labour Conference, organized by GIFTS and ISLE, Kerala University, December.
- PL Beena (2017) “Outward FDI, Innovation strategies and Cross-Border M&As: Indian Evidence “, 15th International conference organized by GLOBALICS at Athens, October.
- PL Beena (2016) “Outward FDI and Cross-Border M&As by Indian Firms: A Host Country-Level Analysis” Presented in a conference titled “Globalisation of Technology and Development”, 11th annual conference of Knowledge forum, December 3-5, 2016, http://fgks.in/images/pdf/conf/2016/PLBeena.pdf.
Book Reviews and Other Publications (7)
- Beena PL (2020) “What Atma-Nirbar Bharat means for the Indian Industry” in “Stimulus Package in five Installments: Does it make the economy more Self –Reliant”, Commentary on India’s economy and society, No.15, 2020.
- Beena PL (2019) “Industry and External Sector”, in “Dimensions of Indian Economy: As seen through the economic survey 2018-19 and the Union Budget 2019-20”, Commentary on India’s economy and society, No.9, August 2019.
- Beena PL (2019) “India’s recent inward FDI: An assessment” by Chalapathi Rao and Biswajit Dhar, ISID in “Emerging markets journal”, Vol 9, No.1, http://emaj.pitt.edu/ , August 5.
- Beena PL (2018) “Concerns on MSMEs, FDI and Service Sector”, in “Dimensions of India’s Economy: As seen through the economic survey 2017-18” , Commentary on India’s economy and society, March 2018.
- PL Beena (2003) Corporate Restructuring through M&As, Passline (Kochi-based business bimonthly), 15-31 January 2003.
- PL Beena (2001) An Overview of the Mergers and Acquisitions during the post Liberalisation Era, Business Digest, Vol.XVI, Issue 16, August 16-31, 2001.
- PL Beena (2000) Contributed summary of the paper on “Competition Policy, Developing Countries and the WTO by Bernard Hoekman (World Bank) and Peter Holmes (Sussex University) for RIS Digest, June 2000, New Delhi.
Expected publications of the ongoing research:
- Beena PL and Thiagu Ranganathan,” Kerala Transforming: Labor and Trade Mobility in times of Pandemic” (Contract signed with Routledge, December 2022 and Manuscript submitted).
- Beena PL and Meena Chacko “Economic Integration in South Asian Region: India’s Role”.
- Beena PL and Kavitha P “Growth Dynamics of the Handloom Industry: A Case Study of Chendamanagalam Handloom Co-operative Society in Kerala”.
Papers Presented
- Beena PL (2024) “Antitrust implications of Mergers and Acquisitions in Knowledge and Technology Driven Sectors” presented in the national conference on Economics of Competition Law, March 7, 2024, New Delhi.
- Abhinav Surya LT and Beena PL (2024) “Labour Market Relations across Technology and size classes in India” presented in the ISLE conference at CUH, during March 28 to March 31, 2024.
- Beena PL and Surya Thampi (2023) Women Owned Enterprises and its Scalability, Golden Jubilee Conference organised by CESP, JNU, December 2023
- Hrushikesh Mallick, Beena PL et.al (2023) Dynamics of Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission in a Subnational Context of India: An Evidence from Kerala , Golden Jubilee conference organised by CESP, JNU, December 2023
- Abhinav Surya LT and Beena PL (2023) “Understanding the Growth Dynamics of Investment and Rate of Profit in India’s organized manufacturing sector” in the conference organized by ISID, New Delhi, October.
- PL Beena and Smruti Ranjan Sahoo (2022) M&As in the Technology Driven Industries in India, International conference on Empirical Issues in Indian Economy, IIFT, New Delhi.
- PL Beena and Siddik Rabiyath (2019) “IPR regime and Developmental Implications”in a conference titled Globalisation of Technology and Development”, 14th annual conference of Knowledge forum, October , 2019, http://fgks.in/images/pdf/conf/2019/PLBeena.pdf. , Conference Proceedings.
- PL Beena (2018) Trends, Motives and Developmental Implications of Outward Investments from Indian Corporate Sector, paper presented at GLOBALICS, Accra, Ghana, October.
- PL Beena (2017) “Outward FDI, Innovation strategies and Cross-Border M&As: Indian Evidence “, 15th International conference organized by GLOBALICS at Athens, October.
- PL Beena (2016) “Outward FDI and Cross-Border M&As by Indian Firms: A Host Country-Level Analysis” Presented in a conference titled “Globalisation of Technology and Development”, 11th annual conference of Knowledge forum, December 3-5, 2016, http://fgks.in/images/pdf/conf/2016/PLBeena.pdf.
- PL Beena (2010) Economic Liberalisation and Financing Pattern of Indian Industries in the 4th Annual Conference on Development and Change,2010 at Johannesburg, organized by Witwatersrand University during April 9-11, 2010.
- PL Beena (2005) Limits to Universal Trade Liberalisation: A Case study of Textiles and Clothing Sector in South Asia, 1st Annual Conference for Development and Change”, Organised by CAPORDE with Global Policy Innovation, December 2-4, 2005, Neemrana Fort, India.
- PL Beena (2002) Merger Wave in the Post Liberalization India: In Pursuit of a Desirable Competition Policy, International Development Centre, QEH, Oxford on May 16th, 2002.
Research Projects Handled Independently /as a Team Member:
- Beena PL (Ongoing) Women Enterprises and its Scalability: With Reference to Kerala, Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
- Beena PL and Thiagu Ranganathan, (Ongoing) Book project based on a conference volume titled “Kerala Transforming: Labor and Trade Mobility in times of Pandemic”.
- Beena PL (2018-2020) “Structure, Direction and Export contribution of Cochin SEZ in Kerala”, Kerala World Economy project funded by Govt. of Kerala., (Completed and submitted in August 2020)
- Beena PL and Ritika Jain (2019-20) “An Assessment on Non- Tax Revenue in Kerala”, (Report completed and submitted Administrative Reform Committee in March 2020)
- Beena PL and Siddik Rabiyath (2018-19) “IPR regime and Developmental Implications: A Case study of IP asset Intensive industries” (completed and submitted to IUCAE, KU in June 2019).
- Beena PL (2017-18) “Pattern of trade in goods and services in Kerala under WTO regime. ,Proposal accepted in 2017 and report submitted in 2018) , Sponsored through CDS and funded by Government of Kerala” (Final Project report submitted in August 2018).
Other Academic Responsibilities at CDS
- Coordinator of a course on Indian Economic Development for Masters
- Coordinator of two weeks teaching (TIPE) program for college teachers at CDS during second week of February 2021
- Seminar coordinator of Kerala and the world economy conference, February 2021
- Open Seminar coordinator (2012 to 2018)
- Member of organizing committee on the Seminar on Indian economy held at CDS during December 12-15, 2018.
- Seminar coordinator of a Conference on “International Competitiveness and Inclusive Development” during 20-21 October 2008, organized by CDS-UNCTAD.
Other Administrative Responsibilities at CDS
- Chairperson of ICC (2014 to 2016)
- Convener of ICC (2007-2008; 2012-14)
- Warden of Ladies Hostel (2006-09 and 2012-2015)