Conference on Movements of People and Migration Regimes

February 8 - 10, 2023


February 8, 2023 - 9:00 am


February 10, 2023 - 5:00 pm

February 8 – 10, 2023

Venue: Joan Robinson Hall

 click here for  Book of Abstracts 

Seminar Synopsis

What governs the governance of international movements of people is the central question we wish to address in the seminar on ‘Movements of People and Migration Regimes’. The question will be deliberated upon in the context of the growing tension between globalisation and de-globalisation which appear to influence and are likely to shape the entire spectrum of international relations including cross border movement of people.

The seminar is an attempt to understand the rationale of the system of governance or its absence by mapping and analysing its varied features across a typology of movements. It enquires several questions regarding the real interests and the equations of power that shape the policy architecture across the multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements/ platforms among nations, countries of origin and destination, subnational and even local governments. The seminar will also try to take the policy question to the real locales where they are operationalized, such as the market for migrant labour, recruitment and travel, sites of work and business, sites of accommodation, wage determination, dispute settlement, reintegration of returnees, social security, old age care, etc. Most importantly, the seminar addresses the question of collective action on the part of international migrants at different nodes of the migration process. The papers will be presented by eminent scholars, migrant workers and migrant community leaders from across the globe.

The seminar is structured around the following themes.

1. Geography of International Migration: Past and Emerging Patterns
2. International Migration and the Inter-State Arrangements
3. Migration Policy in Practice in Host Countries
4. Emigration Policy in Countries of Origin
5. Indian Emigrants, Diaspora and State Policy
6. Labour market Perspectives on Migrant Labour
7. Collective Action: Migrants and Returnees
8. Reintegration of Returnees back Home
9. Indian Investment abroad and migration

This is an invite-only event. The interested participants shall reach out to us via