National Research Programme on Plantation Development

NRPPD at CDS undertakes policy-oriented research on socio-economic aspects of India’s plantation sector.  The programme was set up in 2009 supported by a generous endowment of Rs 5 crores, provided by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.

The programme works under the overall guidance of a Steering Committee chaired by the Chairman, CDS and a Research Advisory Committee (RAC), Chaired by the Director, CDS. Prof Vinoj Abraham was appointed coordinator of the programme in May 2019. He was designated as Professor, Ministry of Commerce Chair for period of 3 years with effect from 5th November 2021.

NRPPD presently does the following activities

  1. Conduct in-house research on India’s plantation sector
  2. Conduct capacity building and training programmes for research in plantation sector
  3. Conduct webinars/seminars of relevance to plantation sector
  4. Disseminate in-house research and external research through research abstracts

During more than a decade of its existence the programme had successfully generated a rich volume of research on the plantation sector. Its research has evinced much interest among policy makers and academics alike.

Ongoing Projects

  1. How to confront the challenges in creating FARMER PRODUCER ORGANIZATIONS in coffee? Prof. Vinoj Abraham
  2. Understanding the performance of RUBBER PRODUCER SOCIETIES. Prof. Vinoj Abraham
  3. Whether AUCTION SYSTEM is suitable for rubber sector, if so, what are the factors required to implement it? Prof. Vinoj Abraham
  4. A study on the performance of SELF-HELP GROUPS or farmer producer organizations with respect to supporting small tea growers. Dr. Thiagu Ranganathan and Dr. Tirtha Chatterjee
  5. Review of literature on PRICING AND MARKETING in plantation sector: Prof. Vinoj Abraham and Dr. Mithesh Madhavan – A critical appraisal of the current state of affairs on prcining and marketing in plantation crops
  6. COMPENDIUM on Plantation Sector in India : A collection of papers on plantation sector by faculty of CDS, researchers from Commodity Boards and other research institutions.
  7. A DATABASE on Plantation Sector: NRPPD@CDS is now developing a website that compiles data on various aspects of the plantation sector in an easily accessible manner. This will be available soon on the CDS website.