CDS Chronicle is the quarterly newsletter of CDS. The chronicle strives to give a sense of ‘life at CDS’. It summarises the various academic and extra-mural activities done by the CDS community including faculty, students and non-teaching staff. It also provides views and impressions of the members of the CDS Community. For academics and policy makers the chronicle may be a pointer to what or whom to follow up in CDS to pursue their interest. For prospective students, faculty and visitors to CDS browsing through the Chronicle may give a feel of what it is like to be in CDS.
CDS Chronicle is brought out by the publication wing of CDS. The CDS Publication Programme is mainly involved in the publication of research studies carried out at the institute which include select M.Phil and Ph.D Theses, Project Reports, Working Papers and Books.
Previous Issues
Issue: 16
July 2019 – June 2020

Special Issue
CDSians on the Novel Corona Virus
(March 1st 2020 to July 15th 2020 )

Professor Vinoj Abraham
Compiled by
Tilak Baker
Layout and Design
Ajikumar Poothotta
Published by
The Director
Prasanth Nagar, Ulloor, Medical College.P.O
Thiruvananthapuram – 695011, Kerala, India
Tel: +91-471-2774200, 2448881, 2448412, Fax: +91-471 2447137
Email: publication@cds.edu,
Website: www.cds.edu