Vacancy for a Post Doctoral Research

Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram announces the vacancy for a Post-Doctoral research position in its NRPPD unit. Interested candidates should email their CV with proof of essential and desired qualifications to with the subject “Application for Post-Doctoral Research Position-NRPPD” on or before December 15th 2024. Candidates shortlisted will be informed through e-mail to […]

Vacancy for Research Associate

Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram has a vacancy for a Research Associate position in a project titled “Intergenerational Mobility and Collective Articulation of Rights: A Case study of Mala Araya Tribal Community in Kerala” More details..

Tenders Invited

1. Sealed tenders are invited under two cover bid system for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network cabling at CDS for the installation of CCTV. 2.Sealed tenders are invited under two cover bid system for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV devices at CDS 3. Sealed tenders are invited for supply and installation […]

Trainee Library Assistant – Rank List

Conducted the interview for the posts of Trainee Library Assistants for the K. N. Raj Library on the forenoon of 5th December 2024. 46 candidates attended the interview. A panel of 15 candidates is made in the following rank order for engaging as Trainees as and when the vacancies arise.  RANK NAME 1. Aysha Sheminshad Nizar […]