The Eleventh B.G. Kumar Lecture on “Economic Transformation, Growth of the Middle Class and Family Change in India” was delivered by Professor Sonalde Desai, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland and Professor and Centre Director, NCAER-National Data Innovation Centre, New Delhi over CISCO Webex Meetings on Thursday, 5th November, 2020 from 04:30 PM onwards.
Prof Sunil Mani, Director, introduced Prof Professor Sonalde Desai and welcomed the participants to the lecture to the 11 th BG Kumar lecture. The lecture concluded with an informal interactive session with the participants.
Abstract: Past three decades have seen significant changes in the Indian society. In spite of recent setbacks, economic growth has led to large decline in poverty decline and growth in middle class. Over the same period, inequality has grown and rising aspirations must contend with entrenched social inequalities based on class and gender. This lecture will focus on ways in which this transformation is reflected in family changes in India. It will place Indian experience in the context of broader demographic transformations around the world, particularly those experienced by other Asian countries.